Cerberus: Unleash the hellhound in your arcade stick

Quick question. I just finished doing a mod on two joystick for a friend. Installed the cerebrus pcb only on both joysticks. Now my friend went home to try it out on the ps4 and using one joystick he says it works good. But when he tries to use both joystick with cerebrus on the ps4 it only recognizes the last one he connects. Any suggestions?? He live far away so it is unlikely I can go personally to try it out right now. Or I should try to search for another friend with a ps4 near by to do my own investigation. Thanks in advance

question, what size are the jst ph ribbon cables? are the 2.54?


Is it possible to get this firmware version?

Yeah, but it’s pretty old so it won’t have anything new like the 8min timeout ps4.

No worries; PS4 support isn’t a priority for me at the moment. :slight_smile:

Is your customer base a bunch of legacy weirdos? All we do nowadays is ps4 lol

Haha, no arguments there. All of my customers have been requesting PS4-mods as well.
Nah, this Cerberus mod is something that I’ve been wanting to do for myself. Two projects, actually. I realized I spend more time on mod projects for myself than for clients.
While having analogs isn’t absolutely critical (at least for one of the projects), I figured I might as well try for full functionality.

Legacy is where it at, I been behind on some of my stuff I need to make a PC Engine cable for my stick with a Cthulhu inside
Its my SNES/Legacy stick.

Gummo’s the only one with that firmware. I never implemented it myself. If you don’t care about PS4 beyond in game legacy support, then you can give his build a whirl.

pm me your email and ill send you the fw.

Did you ever push Pokken Pad support? It’d be nice to use my stick for that.

I haven’t, I’ll sit down and do it soon. Keep getting side tracked.


[*] Added Wii U (Pokken) support
Must Force via 2K hold

[*] Added Native Xinput support
Must Force via 3P hold

Atmega16U4 (You most likely have this)

Atmega32U4 (Older boards)

Just tested this. xinput button layout is wrong… i’m getting 3 punches instead of Roundhouse Kick in SFV :open_mouth:

12 8(Z-) 7(Z+)

Is that not what you get?

i’m afraid not… but i have to check my wiring in that case :s

Yep, messed up the button mapping, try these out:


Hey Phreak, I’m actually having a problem with the update procedure. It’s failing around the blank check part. Is there a way around this?

Edit: just fixed after trying to update like 60 times. It just started to randomly work.

Bumping this thread up even though it’s been inactive for almost 2 years now.

Can confirm that a Cerberus running on firmware 1.21 and holding 2K on plug-in (forcing Pokken controller mode) works just fine on a Switch.
The default [Sq Tri R1][X O R2] layout on the PS3 becomes [Y X L][B A R] on the Switch.
Similar to the stock Pokken controller, there’s no Home button, so that won’t work on the Switch either.

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It looks like it doesn’t work on brook ps3-dreamcast converter