CEO tournament- Orlando Florida - 15K Pot bonus for Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct has the largest pot of any game in this tournmant of 15K payed out.

This is an Extremly big tournament for fighting games, so if you’re gonna be in the Florida area around that time make sure you register to show your support.

Combo breaker recently had 104 pre registrants, with a 10k pot. As a community it would be amazing to top that number.

If you wanna get into thee Ki competive scene, this is really a great place to get out to. So if you’re anywhere close to Florida and you know you can make it out, sign up, and practice lol. The moneys being payed out to the top 32, so if you’re decent you have a good chance of winning something.

Wish there was a big tournament scene in Tallahassee where im at.

Sweet. Looking forward to some top tier gameplay.

Update on this. If you’re planning to register, you should really do it today. Today’s the last day of early registration, so after today the fee to register increases.