CEO 2018 Tournament Daytona Hotel Split

As you know the CEO Tournament is going to be held on 6/29 at Daytona Beach. I for one always go because I meet alot of players from all over central Florida and the world. This is first year I gotta travel to go there. I traveled to Evo and met alot of fun people to play with. But I don’t wanna miss all the hype action going back to orlando. If any fellow players in Florida or from outa state wanna split hotel cost for the weekend I will be down to setup and receive a place and share it with people that actually love fighting games.

If you interested message me back here or pm me. I’m looking for people that play tekken, street fighter, dbz fighterz, marvel 3 and mvsci. It be nice if you bring your own setup i have one but its small and portible. Please respond with what game you play with and when you can come on the 29 or before and last day you can stay. I will follow up and pick who’s available and meet certain criteria. But mostly first come basis. There will be a small deposit of 10 dollars for holding your position for room. I don’t want hear you can’t make it last minute then get stuck with bill. And of course you’ll get that back or deducted from the hotel split cost if you like.

I hope I can get a response from a few people. Please let me know if the forum has a specific area for CEO 2018 As well. That would help a bunch. If anyone know anywhere else I can post please tell me the website or url. I’m doing this early cause I wanna plan and have rooms booked early. I don’t wanna go last minute and have no rooms.

If you have a airbnb or live by area and don’t mind couple people staying over please respond too.

Thank you fellow gamers and hope to see you guys in Daytona Beach. I think this year gonna be more hype over the other ones. Let’s go out there and show Everyone that FGC still alive and kicking.