I’ll let my avatar do the talking.
On one hand, it sucks that it’s exclusive. On the other hand, I would not be playing a Bayonetta 2 at all if not for them. Sega dropped it (I thought Bayonetta sold well…). Nintendo swooped in and saved the project.
I doubt they will. They haven’t done that since Resident Evil 4 came out.
knowing nintendo
they probably fuck it up anyways
it will be one of those
"you were better off not even recognizing the sequel as legit anyways"
It’s funny because I heard about this first from the Blazblue Facebook page. O_o
Anyway, this is stupid. I’m probably getting a WiiU anyway, but it just bugs the shit out of me when franchises suddenly switch consoles like this. Metal Gear Rising was originally going to be a Xbox exclusive, but I think they quickly realized how bad of a decision that would have been. This almost comes off as a spit in the face to the fans of the franchise.
Heh, this is why I always say Nintendo is damned if they do, and damned if they don’t. They can’t win in the eyes of the core gamer.
This is pretty fucked up
Don’t who care saved Bayonetta 2, thank you!
We have a Bayonetta thread and a Wii U thread…FC you’re privilege to call any thread stupid is officially revoked for a year:rofl:
I kno rite. People aren’t saying thank you nintendo for paying so we can actually have this game. Its fuck you nintendo for paying so we can actually have this game.
Quick question for some of you. What was stopping the system you put on a pedastool from paying to have the game made?
Don’t worry ill wait.
Well, to be completely fair, Nintendo will probably handle the IP a million times better than SEGA ever would.
This still sucks donkey balls though.
should i be concerned kamiya is not the director of bayonetta 2, as he was on the first one, and the director now is the producer from bayonetta 1?
i cant read kamiyas position in that shitty 360p teaser.
Kamiya is advising the game because he’s busy with The Wonderful 101, it seems.
On one hand, that is true.
But on the other, we can expect forced gimmicks with the controls and other stuff like that, Aso Nintendo aso has fucked a lot of games a lot of times, not counting a good amount of concerns that people have with what has been announced from the WiiU features
Plus, is a nintendo exclusive
Man, words cannot express how fucking mad I am.
I’m not gonna buy some kiddy ass grandma console I have no interest in just to play one game (Bayonetta 2)
Fuck that noise.
This is some fucking bullshit.
Where is the teaser?
yeah i downloaded the 720p version. ew, kamiya is just the supervisor. well i hope hes very active in supervising this. i doubt this will turn out well at all if he isnt heavily hands on, and will end up a 7 out of 10 game.
JESUS CHRIST WHYYYYY (bangs on the floor on hands and knees) the glory of bayonetta 2 destroying DmC on ps3 and xbox wouldve been so satisfying.
sikwitdit: Your next post in this thread better include some content beyond “TROLOLOLOLO”
hd version