Could someone tell me the notation on that hulk combo or the conditions in witch i can back dash and otg with two hits of shield. I’m always late
I don’t land as far back as he does.
To me it looks like s.S, j.H (double jump back) j.M, j. down h, S, backdash, qcf l for the first part. Thats just at a passing glance
Just do st. s, jump back j. h xx light shield slash, jump back j. h, s, back dash (? I forgot if this was required or not), OTG light shield slash, dash forward, launch, magic series, otg shield slash xx HCS.
Or you could do what I do in the corner…but that’s if you can plink dash.
c.L, M, H, S (pursuit) M, M, H (double jump), M, d.H, S (land and plink dash twice backwards), L.shield slash, H, S (pursuit) M, H, d.H, S (land) otg…
Made a video recently showing some of caps possible relaunch capabilitys on his own
Feedback would be appreciated
Oh wow, it’s the one I do but a lot more spiced up! Time to hit training room to get it down.
Better version, a little more difficult to time, but nothing hard in itself.
st.S, sj back (delay a little to get distance), sj.H xx L. Shield Slash, neutral jump H xx L. Shield Slash, s.H, s.S, (air series, compensate for hitstun), OTG xx HCS.
The air series near the end varies on how you started. If you came in with an S, chances are that you gotta end with sj.H, sj.S.
Not sure if anyone still cares, you guys probably found better combos and such by now but I was trying this last night at I have only just started learning the game.
I found you can do launch and then delay the super jump, M M H, jump back, H, S and then when you land backdash cancel it partway through into light shield slash and you should get the dash forward S relaunch.
This doesn’t seem to work against small characters though, racoon/arthur/etc and possible MODOK. For those instead of jump back H, S, you need to do jump back L, S. Sometimes the S will whiff anyway though I couldn’t get it consistently on Rocket Racoon, fortunately he’s got almost no health so if you catch him and have an OTG assist you can just kill him with like Call Doom Missiles, OTG Shield, Hyper Charging Star, wait for missiles to OTG, L Charging Star, Hyper Charging Star.
<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“Adrian Gordon”>Not sure if anyone still cares, you guys probably found better combos and such by now but I was trying this last night at I have only just started learning the game.
I found you can do launch and then delay the super jump, M M H, jump back, H, S and then when you land backdash cancel it partway through into light shield slash and you should get the dash forward S relaunch.
This doesn’t seem to work against small characters though, racoon/arthur/etc and possible MODOK. For those instead of jump back H, S, you need to do jump back L, S. Sometimes the S will whiff anyway though I couldn’t get it consistently on Rocket Racoon, fortunately he’s got almost no health so if you catch him and have an OTG assist you can just kill him with like Call Doom Missiles, OTG Shield, Hyper Charging Star, wait for missiles to OTG, L Charging Star, Hyper Charging Star.</blockquote>
Yeah we have found other combos lol, but that doesn’t mean what you posted is irrelevant. It’s good that new people get involved, and people who are getting to grips with the game can use this as a reference. 2bh depending on how I hitconfirm i may use the more basic combos if it means it nets more damage. It was a good tip regarding your combo not being able to work against Rocket Raccoon. Will be good to bear in mind just in case
That is a good corrective combo if your spacing to the corner is weird or you forget to do s.:h::s:, neutral sjc. or :s:, back sjc.
Currently the best corner combo is:
j.:s:, land, s.:h::s:, neutral sjc.:u:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, land, dash (cross up), s.:h:, :qcf:+:h:, :qcb:+:l:, :s:, sjc.
:h::d:+:h::s:, land, j.:qcf:+:l:, land, dash, :qcb:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:atk::atk:
Check out the revised combo thread. Corner combos are well covered there and once they fix this updated forum I will add your version.
Thanks for the info guys, I’ll have a good look over the combo thread when I get home from work and have a chance to put in more work with Cap.