Cape cod, MA or close gatherings?

As the tittle say, i’m looking to be part or start a fgc on or close to Cape Cod, MA which is pretty much Boston anyway anyone interested or that know of anything close i will appreciate the info sorry for my english not my first language.

Hey hows it going! yeah im really trying to get into fighting games more seriously and was trying to see if there was a good scene in the Boston area, if you could let me know if theres anything going on in the area if not id love to see about getting something going in the near future we could start up a face book page for the area

Yo, Bostonian here (well, close enough).

@BrandX3K @Macroxssz

Are y’all part of the Massachusetts Fighting Game Community (MFC)? Here’s our FB page:

For events strictly in Boston, there’s a Saturday scene at Northeastern University at 7:30pm where we have Ultra and Marvel tournaments - other games like Tekken and Guilty Gear are played depending on people’s interests. I believe there are other scenes that are trying to start up, though there’s nothing on the horizon right now.

If you like a bigger crowd, there’s the Game Underground scene over in Framingham/Worcester - though it’s moving to a new location pretty soon.

If you’re interested, send me a PM and I’ll see what I can do.