We can easily force the no infinite rule. We plan on doing that at Evo.
of course, but we will need to define what kind of infinites will be banned, because if i remember well they are 2 types, the gravity one, and the wallstreet one
How is that going to be done? I mean what part of kenshin’s combo stops being a combo and becomes an infinite? Can I walk them to the corner with taunt still? Do I have to end after a certain number of hits? Seems like these rules could get confusing and bloated.
when you use the glitch of the gravity to make the combo, so all the hits before the use of the glitch are legal, during the glitch, no
how about play it like it is…
There’s a simpler solution I think, if the game’s time is set to infinite, then there’s no worry about being timed out. This gives much less of a reason to perform the infinite, without enforcing rules that are easilly broken.
We should probably just have a infinite rep evenforcement rule. Where you only perform a certain amount of reps and drop the combo instead.
Eh, at first I was bugged by infinites but I could play with or without em. I’ve never been a fan of banning stuff, short of a hang-glitch enducing maneuver or character freezing glitch. Of course that technically means an Oichi can never fight a Kenshin…unless they actually fixed that?
It’s just gonna turn some people off.
Yea that freeze glitch with Oichi is fixed.
Great, but the infinites are still there…I mean I suppose if it was gonna be an arcade perfect port, they’d have to keep the infinites…at any rate we should see how a competition does with/without infinites before an official decision is made, who knows maybe people will limit themselves without anyone imposing any rules…and that infinite time thing might actually work too.
Still I’m officially a fan of playing it like the Japanese do.
I guess the best solution would be what everyone else thinks as far as having infinites or not during a tournament.
I think the infinites themselves are pointless when there is no clock. There should be certain exceptions however like Oda’s soul loop. Its not an infinite because there is pushback/soul abandonment involved. Also, I believe that Oda’s infinite is gone since the souls are fighting back when you have 30% meter left. I think they begin to leave in 30%, 20%, 0% intervals. It is virtually impossible to do his infinite with no souls.
i dont oppose on baning the infinites that use the gravity glitch, but in the end that will depend of the people who are going to participate in the tournaments.
still thats the only type of infinite that im against, the wallstreet needs skill so that one it should not be banned
Kenshins and Nobunaga’s infinites scroll up to the top of screen. So if you can’t break it before you reach a certain height you have no chance to break it.
Apparently Oda is different in the PS2 version than the Arcade. His spacerace infinite has a built-in stop function in the form of souls attacking you after a certain period of time, so that infinite is pretty much gone. Not only that, I don’t think his souls even attacked him in the arcade version (it’s been a while since I played SBX in the arcade), so uh… yeah.
Seems like Kenshin is the only one with a spacerace infinite for now…
How about making a rule that you’re not allowed to win a time up victory with an infinite.
All of these rules are super gay
mouri has one
http://www.basarako.net/en/ (english site)
http://www.basarako.net/forums/index.php (forum, duh)
hey guys i have a solution dont play a piece of shit game that needs a million bans to remotely resemble anything playable
theres a ton of great games out there why are you wasting time and energy trying to turn this terrible one into a decent experience, its just pathetic
hey, people still play mvc2