Capcom X Arc System Works = Sengoku BASARA X - 4/09/08 (Arcade) 6/26/08 (PS2)

I think the problem with “Dante Masamune”, is that what helps build up faster gauge overall (Engun, Super, BASARA KO), is that you basically HAVE to be aggressive. And that’s not something that’s really at all conducive to his overall play style, which is much more defensive-minded by default. (Or at least, that much we can conclude at this early stage in the game.)

On the other hand, even at the lower percents, Kojuuro helps open up the window for Masamune to get some nice BnB combos. So it really depends on if you want Kojuuro to give you like a quick 1-hit addition immediately, or if you might be willing to wait for him to get 2 or 3 hits in rapid succession at the higher percentages. Half and half, it looks like…

Eh, I have been complaining about some of these things for years, just not on this particular board…

A “super finish flash” is not necessarily a bad thing, though I prefer the more discreet ones, but when the characters appear to enter a different dimension 5+ times per round, I say the effect quickly loses its shine (no pun intended). As for the portraits, besides getting old and taking up far too much space, they are on occasion inappropriate for the super (poor example, I know, but does anyone remember Dan’s in MSHVSF? :sweat: ).

I haven’t so much as looked at this game since the first video footage of it, and honestly I didn’t think much of it at that time… but those newest match vids actually make the game look pretty awesome! With the delays for it, plus SF4 and Blazblue announcements, I thought it’d been swallowed up by other hype. It’s cool to see it looking better than ever.

What are the current chances/expectations of an American PS2 release? I skimmed through some of this thread and didn’t find a conclusive answer, sorry if I missed it.

Slim to none. Devil Kings bombed horribly, and so Capcom probably won’t want to take the risk of releasing what they believe to be a lost cause.

Here’s hoping a company like Atlus manages to scoop up the rights soon.

Again, man, all I can say is that this has been a part of the genre for a while now, and it really doesn’t show any sign of stopping. I’m sure KOFXII, SF4 and BB will only do more to carry this aspect on in their own way.

So, at this point, you’re either gonna have to come to grips with it, or you may have to go to games that may be more your speed…

Not very good, I’m afraid.

As was hinted at earlier (just a few posts up), the BASARA’s brand status in the states is in bad shape, thanks to Capcom’s rather botched effort in “Devil Kings” a few years back. That game sold poorly enough, that Capcom has yet to comment on what the future of the series may turn out to be, but so far, SB2 and its expansion have both been released in Japan (for both PS2 and Wii), and no sign of US release in sight.

That said, I don’t think this particular game’s chances are all that good. After all, it’s in a rather precarious predicament: assuming Capcom even is willing to give the game a chance, do they go through the effort to try and localize it under the DK heading again (needing to make changes and hire new voice actors to do so), or do they go for the straight translation, but risk the game being a relative no-name to the masses at large?

And that’s assuming that they or Arc are even interested in such an attempt. Technically, with Capcom’s SF4 right around the corner, and likewise, BlazBlue for ASW, neither company has that much reason to really focus on marketing this game for Americans.

So…as is the case with so many other games…it’s best not to take chances. Just import the PS2 release coming out in 2 months, and you’ll thank yourself later.

And, unfortunately, that’s rather doubtful, as well.

I mean, while I’d like nothing better than for Atlus (or probably AkSys, since Arc is involved) to do something about this, in the end, Capcom would still hold the final say in whether a game could be localized or not.

And unless ASW and AkSys were willing to pretty much take full responsibility for such an effort…again, I just don’t see it likely.

will preorder next month

His Engun levels up drastically slower than anybody else regardless of what’s going on. Everybody has a different Engun level rate and his is absymally slow, like “play three full rounds and you still won’t have lvl100” slow.
I mean his Engun is pretty good at low levels but still, I doubt his lvl100 Engun so beastly that they really need to make it near impossible to get in a real match.

A grappler character, with a throw loop. That is awesome.

Jesus, of all those vids, none of them have Oichi winning. Oh, and…

…what the fuck kind of glitch is this?! I really don’t wanna have to start regretting picking her as my main. :annoy:

if kenshin uses his counter move and it counters a devil hand, she gets stuck.


I AM enduring it, but don’t expect me to hold my tongue about it at all times. :slight_smile: At least KOF XI doesn’t… wait, that has “SUPER CANCEL” and “DREAM CANCEL” pop-up messages written in ridiculous font size! :sad:

…See what I mean? It’s just a part of the culture.

The defense rests its case, your honor. :wgrin:

As for the subject regarding Ichi…her problem mainly stems from the fact that, in spite of the power that the Devil Hands give her, she CAN’T take the hits, just like in the actual BASARA games. A few well-placed throw loops from Hideyoshi may take her down to 60% or worse! But give her time, I’m sure people will eventually find good set-ups, and help her manifest her inevitable “top-tier destiny” soon enough. :rofl:

As for the glitch? Well, the good thing is, since this game is on the System 256, that pretty much means that ASW can feel free to fix the game for the upcoming PS2 to get rid of these unsightly glitches and infinites, then just go back and patch the Arcade version to keep up with the PS2 port.

In essence, this could be a very good move, having the game on cheap hardware that pretty much makes it easy to go back and forth between PS2 and arcade rather easily. I’d like to think that this would alleviate the prospect for sequels as well, but we’ll just have to wait and see about that…

that honda ninja assist kidnap sounds dumb

Finally someone uses Nobunaga. Those were some hot matches.

Wooot Infiniteeeeee


Probably has to have lvl 100 engun… I don’t really know about engun counters but I assume it can be countered out? Anyone?

Yes, you can counter Engun with Engun.

this is already sick.i hate to ask a dump quesion but where can you find the movelist FAQs about this game?

That’s not what he was asking… you can Engun Counter while being hit, which calls your Engun for the price of 30 Engun levels and 1 stock times the number of times you’ve used the Engun Counter. He was asking if you can do it out of this combo. For the record, I see no reason why not, though it’s not like I’d know, lol.

Besides, it’s not as simple as “counter Engun with Engun” anyway… you can counter an Engun Counter with an Engun Block, that’s all.

One thing I’m curious about is if you can Engun Counter when your Engun level is less than 30. I know you lose 30 levels when you use the counter, but does that mean it just gets set to zero if you use it at less than 30, or can you not use it at all?

As a guess I would say it requires 30 levels to be used, regardless. However I could be wrong…

has moves lists for all the characters, with pictures.