Capcom/Anime Mondays, Week 2 Results - Pokchop wins Ultra Street Fighter 4 and GB Dapvip wins UMvC3!

With Combo Breaker approaching this weekend, the competition for this week’s Capcom night would heat up to nigh unbearable levels. As a runback from last week’s bracket in Ultra Street Fighter 4, the Grand Finals would come down to a rematch between Pokchop and the returning champion, YOMI Joel. In spite of the fact that Joel’s perfect victory in Winner’s Finals left a definite blow in Pokchop’s pride, the spirited brawler would exact his revenge with a bracket reset that led to his 6-1 victory over Joel! The course this bracket took would create a perfect example of how one can be knocked down but return to the ring with a strengthened resolve.

GB Dapvip, however, would have much better luck defending his championship from the debut week for Capcom/Anime Mondays as he defeats both Massive Skillz and Pokchop in the finals to come out on top in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3! With his two-win streak, the target sign on his back has grown larger. Will it ever receive a bulls-eye?!

We congratulate our winners and thank all those who came out to experience the night of their lives. Yomi Gaming is open 24/7 to all who wish to practice up for a shot at the prize…except for this weekend, during which Yomi will be closed in light of both Combo Breaker and Memorial Day, the latter which is set for the incoming Monday. As such, Capcom/Anime Mondays will be put on a temporary hiatus, but we are always searching for ways to increase your enjoyment of our competitive arena even when not in the spotlight! Rest assured that we will return in the week after next.

For now, we bring you a playlist for all USF4 matches that saw the light of our prestigious stage and stream set-up. Also included are the finals for Ultimate Marvel!

Playlist for Week 2 of Yomi Gaming’s Capcom/Anime Mondays

Bracket link for Ultra Street Fighter 4 (5/18/15) -

Ultra Street Fighter 4, Winner’s Bracket, Round 1 - YOMI RM SaltFace (Cammy) vs. BigBates (Balrog)

Ultra Street Fighter 4, Winner’s Bracket, Round 3 - YOMI Shadow Ace (El Fuerte) vs. Da Knut (Deejay)

Bracket link for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (5/18/15) -

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Winner’s Finals - GB Dapvip (Dante, Iron Man and X-23) vs. Massive Skillz (Dante, Trish, and Frank West/Vergil)

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Loser’s Finals - Pokchop (Frank West, Spencer and Dante) vs. Massive Skillzz (Dante, Trish and Frank West)

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Grand Finals - Pokchop (Frank West, Spencer and Dante) vs. GB Dapvip (Dante, Iron Man and X-23)

Please remember to follow our Twitch TV and YouTube accounts so that you’ll be just one click away from reviewing the action!

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