Can't register two people for EVO with the same credit card?

So a friend and I are going to EVO this year. He doesn’t have a credit card so he just gave me his cash and I was just going to pay for both our registrations with my credit card.
I registered myself already but when I tried to register him I’m getting this message that says "The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different credit or debit card number."
Anybody know what’s going on? I know the card has money on it, I already checked with my bank.

And for the record, I registered myself several hours ago.

EDIT: ONE more thing, can we still register with the “early bird” price tomorow? Or does it go up 20 dollars as soon as it becomes the 31st?

PM or email [Mr. Wizard]( Finals: Registration Question) about your situation…and tomorrow is supposedly the last day to save $20 on registration.

sweet, so i can still register tomorrow then.

Sounds like a paypal issue

sounds like there’s just too much traffic on your card… wait out a few hours then try again… if that don’t work find a third party willing to let u use thier cc and pay them… and yes you can still get the early bird rates today… but today is indeed the last day