Can't make a combo in training

I got this task to make a combo: jump HP -> crouch HK -> EX sokutogeri -> L Shouruken -> crouch MK -> tatsu
I stuck on EX sokutogeri, computer just doesn’t count it as combo. I am new to this and not sure about what timing should be. Is there some tips I just don’t know?
edit: Also it seems like I can’t make sokutogeri while he is standing up after crouch kick, but when he finally stands up, kombo disolves.

If this is Ryu then I’m pretty sure what you’re looking for is the following: > xx ex.Joudan (half-circle forward+kk) > forward > xx lk.tatsu

The reasons being: causes a hard knockdown and can not be combo’d afterwards.

Ryu’s lp shoryuken has no followups unless they’re in the corner iirc (and a jumping heavy will do more damage anyway)