Can't join endless lobbies?

Me and my boy play in person all the time because he lives like two minutes away, but whenever we try playing endless online it is impossible to join each other’s lobbies.
Neither one of us have outstanding internet, but neither one of us has really bad internet either.

Anybody else experience this? I don’t know what’s up…

question answered. ill admit ive had this problem too. can’t finish a match with one guy who lives an hour away, and another its always laggy so its ur locations

Forward your ports?

If you are on PS3/360 you should set up a static IP for your console and put it in a DMZ. He has to do it too.

For XBL these are the ports you need to set:

Port 88 (UDP)
Port 3074 (UDP en TCP)
Port 53 (UDP en TCP)
Port 80 (TCP)

And give your xbox console a static ip.

PS3…no idea lol.