Can't Edit Signatures Anymore?

It’d be nice if we could get that back.

And yes, you like this post.

im fine with my sig

I’m sure it’s still hard.

Was this taken for real? I thought I was the only one who couldn’t find how to edit my sig…

Apparently they have to re-enable the ability to edit it. I went nuts trying to change mine considering it has a broken link.

Wonder why it was taken out in the first place.

It wasn’ t taken out, they just have other priorities (like the mess that is the character specific sections) before they get around to fixing the broken code.

Oh so it’s not just me, cool. The link directory to my youtube didn’t make the jump.

That<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/4869/Valaris">Valaris</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>It wasn’ t taken out, they just have other priorities (like the mess that is the character specific sections) before they get around to fixing the broken code.</div>

Great. Thanks for the heads up. <br>

I figure this would be a good a thread as any to mention that there is also currently no way to edit your title (the text phrase that appears alongside your username and avatar).