I have been experimenting with this quite a bit lately. For the mix up game, canceling a normal that moves your character towards/away (assuming it can be canceled) can not only get u some free hits, it can also do things you wouldn’t have thought possible. I am wondering why more players don’t use this tactic in their gameplay. I know shoto players will cancel a sweep into FB/ cancel a cr.Fierce into FB; but I assume most people didn’t know if you are deejay and you are playing ryu, you can use c.RHxxshortMJK if you suspect the opp will start off by throwing a FB and if timed properly you will knock down the ryu player and take no damage (if its a slow fb you might get hit but you will still trade with them). Another nice one is using dic’s cr.RH and canceling into HS or DR. Opponents tend to react to whatever they see first (if its a fast paced round) so putting out the visual frames of the c.RH will bait an attack and leave them open to the HS. This is very useful for baiting “waiting” opponents into attacking then canceling into super. There is many more than this that are possible and I am wondering if anyone else finds this useful/useless.
[MJK = Maximum Jack Knife aka charge down, up+kick HS = HeadStomp DR = Devil Reverse]
I thought such tactics were basic Shin, it’s nothing new to me. But take note that this tactic will only work against beginners, the intermediate/high level will always have a way around it. Your Deejay example low Rh+short MJK, against a good shoto they will always low block and counter with low strong(safest option) or DP and if the MJK misses they will throw you for free. The Dictator one is safer cause at max range the slide is safe on block and his moves can actually hit low unlike the MJK but it’s still high risk against certain characters.
I think u missed the part where I was talking about if ur opp starts off with FB, in which case it does win… They are basic, I was wondering if anyone else used them ever.
You can also use this technique to get better recovery on some moves.
I know specifically Ryu can cancel his standing short to fierce fireball, and the fireball will have the same recovery as the jab version, which is a little faster.
The way that fireballs work is that the recovery time is dictated by the last normal used. You would think recovery time is dictated by the strength of the punch used to get the fireball. But, you can get around that by canceling a standing jab into a fireball. So a jab done into any fireball has the shortest recover time.
So if you cancel a standing jab into a strong or fierce fireball then you can shorten the length of recovery on the fireball animation. For Ryu his recovery animations are 40, 41, 42 for the jab, strong, and fierce fireballs respectively. So using this technique isn’t saving you a tremendous amount of time but it can put you ahead a bit in a fireball fight.
I’m not sure how useful the technique is as I don’t competitively play Ryu or Ken but I’ll watch some video and see if I can pick up anything useful.
In Third Strike using kara techniques is a major element at high levels. You can extend your throw range by many pixels by canceling a normal attack’s start-up animation directly into the throw animation (kara-throw). Kara-throwing is also present in SFIV. You can even cancel normal attacks like Ken’s low roundhouse into a DP to give it extra range which is useful in juggle combos. Akuma’s raging demon can be canceled from a normal attack (kara-demon) which is a spectacular offensive weapon. :wow:
Kara-canceling normal attacks into specials to get range though in ST? I can’t think of an example off hand that’s useful.
To be honest I can’t think of any kara in ST that’s useful in a real match except for the shoto’s fireball recovery kara’s.
T.Hawk’s low/standing far fierce/strong can actually give him more range on typhoon (maybe 2~3 pixels extra), slides when kara’ed can actually move you slightly forward.
Dictator can get an interesting property on headstomp if he kara’ed slide into it, depending on distance a kara slide into HS will give a very low HS that might even hit so low to the ground and be followed up !
Mash moves are often kara canceled. So you’d mash jab with Honda and your standing jab would cancel into jab hands before it comes out. Headstomps and other charge moves can be kara canceled, so you’d do down+kick, neutral, up+kick, and the crouching attack would cancel into a headstomp. Command throws can be kara canceled from standing to assist in walk up 360/720 throws. The shotos auto mixup has a special kara cancel built into it.
There are lots of kara techniques that are seen for all sorts of purposes.