CanadaCupPresents: MARVEL MADNESS! March19-20/CalgaryAB/$500 BonusPot/Guest:EG_JWong!

Winnipeg would body actually. I don’t know anybody from Calgary who has done well against myself or KillaSasa.

Funny, I know many people who can beat you without breaking a sweat. Selective memory I guess. Played KillaSasa like once, so I couldn’t really comment.

Shall I post that video of me perfecting you with Guy of all characters now? Or should I wait?

Lol, too funny.

Well its time to put words into action.

But I’m sure you guys will find a excuse not to come to this event anyways. It would be nice to see Cgy vs Van Vs Etown VS Winnipeg,

Bah spoke with Tokido this morning and there’s a few big Japanese tourney that weekend and he can’t make it.

From Calgary? LOL, no.

I’m not trying to troll or disrespect, but the facts need to be made clear. I have dominated most of the top players from Tubby’s more often than not. Lap Chi, Phil, Cody, Falken, whoever. Had a good set against Jaime which I won. (on my youtube)

That’s not to say you guys don’t have good players or lots of potential, but you need to accept the facts before you can evolve, and sitting there thinking that you are good enough to beat player X/scene X when the demonstrated opposite is true won’t get you guys any better.

Sorry Lap, but we have our own tourney scene(and will be running our own March tourney around that time). Canada Cup was hype, but most Canadian players aren’t dropping 300+ bucks to go to a tourney in Calgary if they have good tournies in there own scene unless you have an all star cast of players at your tourney ala CC.

I’m gonna have to say i have a better than 50% win vs you in SSF4, but in vanilla i’m not gonna lie you won 80%+. But I haven’t played recently so like I said if you guys going to put in the effort to come down its a free 1-2k trip for you, if you have confidence to win.

sorry, we have our own local tournies that me and 1 guy rip up, why would i bother travelling to put my money where my mouth is when i can harvest from newbs in my closed community

is basically the passive agressive nerd to english translation of your edit

Calgary vs Winnipeg!! I don’t think anyone from edmonton really plays seriously anymore so I have no idea who would even be on our team now.

translation: put your money where your mouth is.

pssh here’s our team if they wanted to be on it.


am I allowed to pick the same guys multiple times?

not to take sides but i think calgary would honestly win, they are underrated and have a huge scene :slight_smile:

Lol wut?? Last time we played I beat you 10-2 before you left. I believe James Jones was in that room and saw what happened. Before that the previous extended set we had is on my youtube and the results of that are obvious. I have no idea where you get this magical ratio of 50% from, but it isn’t even close to that.

Hey where you at Evo in 2009? How about last year? Cause I was. So I do travel to tournies, I just don’t go to ones that would cost as much as Evo and aren’t any better than ours.

I would rather go to Evo than Calgary.


bahahaha YES

Wow, what the hell is goin on here?! Mad interprovincial beef EVERYWHERE!!!

And hey, a couple of us Winnipeggers did drop some money to go to Canada Cup. And right now, I’m not in any mood to play Super.

Also, I think both Winnipeg AND Calgary are underrated and have a good amount of players in each city. I can vouch for both cities as I’ve now played Calgary’s scene offline as well.


Killsasa is good though!


why are you talking shit? every one of those 3 people would wreck the shit out of you in a match.

learn to pick your battles, maygo

mwhahahha never thought i would hear someone say “learn to pick your battles” in a video game, I bet you get laid alot huh HvE?

Shane you haven’t even played me since SSF4 was released and everyone was beating you then. Even Mark was beating you and he wasn’t 1/2 as good as he is now. You shouldn’t make grandiose statements like “we’d body you in a 5/5” if you’re not willing to back it up.

I’m sure enough Calgarians would be willing to put up the money, the question is: Are you? By your reasoning it’s free money.

Either way I’d like to see some walk instead of talk.

oohhhhh come on winnipeg, lets see a diff battle than etown vs cow town

oh snap?
dunno most of the MTL guys I’ve played are no better than the western Canada guys I’ve played.

Etown vs Cowtown isn’t fun playing with friends. BC vs AB vs MN would be more fun! It would be awesome if every province put in 1k and winner takes all!!!

Not true. We played on PSN and I was beating your Bison so much you switched to Sagat for “fun”.

After that it was the last time we played.

Did Mark say this or are you just high/drunk/both?

I have a hard time believing that Mark (Number 5?) would lie about our matches since he is a pretty legit guy from my PM conversations with him.

If you guys show up in the Peg we’ll play you.

I have no problem putting up my end of it should you guys show up.

I simply defended my scene but laying out the facts. Butthurting ensued.