Canada SSF2THD & SFIV PS3/360 Gamertag Thread

PSN: LUESoldat

PSN: Chi-Rithy

PSN: J-Bones_SRK

Mostly NBA 2K9 and HDR.

PSN: Shinsaber

Who wants to get beasted?

PSN: StrawHatLuffy23

PSN: m4szyman

I’m always up for some SF, I’m not that great but used to play a lot at Funland and go to Lovegetty from time to time so maybe I’ve seen some of you guys around

PSN: WeaponRagnarok

360: army 0f nu6s

PSN: C-2ndPlayer

xbox and psn tags are: originaldarkito

My friend has my xbox but i should be getting back this week


PSN: cinnalove

hello anyone wanna add me iam usually availible for gaming from 12-8 mountain time

ps- racecar151

PSN: CrypticDragon

I mostly play madden and STHD

PSN: Nytekrawla
GT: Guled91

Ne0russell - that’s a zero, not an O. They won’t give back my old account. Freaking XBOX Live people.

XBL: GLachance
PSN : GLachance

sigh Finally gave in.

XBL: Gerjay

XBL gamer tag:GodOfGambles


Has anyone played me thats on SRK canada?