Can we has CVS2 HD on XBL/PSN?

I hope we’ll get it on XBL/PSN.I’ve been talking about this for the longest

I can see this happening soon. Maybe an announcement next year.

It’ll either be this or an Alpha game for the PSN/XBLA treatment next.

I hope they make this, playing it on the DC emulator isnt really cutting it. Id play it on my real DC but then I couldnt use my fight stick. :smiley:


I think with the fact that we now have SNK Playmore on PSN, there is more chance of this happening. SNK and Capcom could make some sort of deal, i’m sure.

As usual Ono was trolling yesterday about CVS 3…i see this very difficult to come true, after all from the side of the extinct SNK life seems to be pretty much uneasy. Yet, may be on 2012 we (praying 4 that) can play on Live! and PSN the CVS 2 with ggpo netcode. :frowning:

at this point id probably take anything thats little faster than shittyfighter4 with less stupidity lol

even if ono is in charge…:bluu:

I love this game on PS2.

I really wanna be able to play more people :frowning: My friends suck.
I wanna unleash my Hibiki to the INTERNETS xD

Cvs3 with Kof13 Graphic Style would be the greatest fighting game of all time…

I am all for that as long as game play itself isnt tweaked up the ass. I just want something that plays like cvs2. you know…6 button and I have some goddamn space. not characters covering half the monitor.

i Hear Ya.