Can Somone Blend My Three "neroiscariot avatars" Into One?

I don’t know if this is possible or not. But I was wondering if someone can blend/mix or do something to take the three avatars that neroiscariot made me and turn them into one.

Have one avatar flash by, then the other, then the other in a loop. This would probably be the best way to have the avatar done if it is possible.

I want this done because I like all three avatars and I can’t wear just one. neroiscariot I would be happy if you can do this since you’re the one that made me the avatars, but anyone else that thinks they can do this go ahead and try.

Here is the first avatar.

Here is the second avatar.

And here is the third.

So the quality will be bad no matter what?

Yeah, the amount of colors exceeds 256 I believe, so theres going to be some colors that wont be included because of the variety between the 3 avatars.

Damn. Well if no one else knows a way to pull this off without any loss of quality can go ahead and try. If not then this request will just have to go.

d’oh, when I took a second look at the optimize tab at the top corner, it was set at 64 colors. I rule. :tdown:


Another AsianDemon and neroiscariot production. You two make the best team.

it doesnt seem like i do much… :shake: