Ok, so me and my bro were playing a few matches Classic ST. I was Ryu, he was Zangief. Basically, I swept him into the corner, xx lk tatsu to overhead when he stood up. Both overhead hits connected, but when I tried to sweep afterwards it completely whiffed. Like, I could physically see Gief fall from the sky as if he had been in mid air (from really close to the ground, but high enough so that my sweep whiffed obviously).
My brother was too busy mashing to have noticed it, but I know what I saw. any explanations?
happens to me sometimes as well. seems that when someone is holding up sometimes you’ll connect 2 grounded hits after which the opp will be reset. Only way I’ve been able to reproduce it by myself is vs a jumping CPU in training mode.
I’ve had fei long’s second rekka knock down. I don’t know why it happens but sometimes in HDR, and it seems to happen online, but I’ll get a 2 hit combo with the first and second rekkas and the opponent will flop up then fall down and my third rekka misses.
Happens occasionally enough to notice it, but not enough to really affect anything.
That can happen when the victim falls dizzy - the victim will always get knocked down at that point, regardless of the dizzying hit’s normal knockdown properties.
“Ryu vs. T.Hawk
setup: Ryu hits Hawk with j.Fierce, cr.Forward xx super, but Hawk pops out of the combo right before the
super connects, then grabs Ryu with a walk-up 720.
This happens because the j.Fierce connected on Hawk as he was in pre-jump animation. (He hit the up
direction just before getting hit by the j.Fierce.) The walking 720 was done by ending the 720 motion
on the towards direction on the exact frame that Hawk landed, so he had 12 frames to walk before doing the super.”
I used to think that the “pop out” (where the opponent pops out of a combo) was some random occurrence in SF.
Now I come to understand it is related to an inputted game state by the person getting hit, that results in the pop-out.
Perhaps the same or unrelated, I have noticed the occasional premature knockdown on some opponents during combos.
Like you’d see if they were being dizzied, but they are not being dizzied.
Can anyone comment on the details for these occurrences?
Vs. Honda I have started doing jump outs and stuffed specials that seem to lead to me popping out of their combos more.
hehe, I’m not talking clean jump outs or Devil Reverse escapes.
I’m talking those times when the opponent literally falls down while in the middle of a combo:
In that link, Ryu’s cr.Forward shouldn’t knock T.Hawk down… but it does.
The explanation from NKI is that the T.Hawk input a jump command just as he was getting hit by the jumping Fierce which put T.Hawk into a “pre-jump” state.
Apparently this pre-jump state causes the character to fall down as if they had gotten knocked out of the air at 0 height.
… which kinda makes sense, except why didn’t they do that fall down when they got hit by the jumping Fierce?
Well, this “pre-jump” state isn’t a jump.
It’s simply a jump input on the stick that actually fails to get off the ground because the character gets hit before the start-up frames resolve.
Basically, if you’re getting up while an opponent is jumping on you, just hold up on the stick.
You’ll eat the start of the combo, but you’ll then fall down before the combo can finish.
That doesn’t make any sense. Even if I hit them during prejump, they shouldn’t fall down unless they come out of hitstun, which should only occur if the rekkas don’t combo.
The whole point of the pop-out is that they DO fall down during hitstun, because it’s an air hitstun and not a ground hitstun.
Air hitstun knocks characters down.
In #1 above, Ryu does a full combo including cr.Forward into Super.
In #2 above, Ryu’s combo fails because Hawk pops-out after the cr.Forward.
Exactly. Combo or not low forward will not knock the opponent down like that unless they attempted to jump and were hit before they left the ground, but after they inputted the jump command. Remember if you hit up it’s not an instant jump.
I haven’t done any real testing, but from what I’ve noticed, if you hit someone during their prejump frames, they go into a semi-airborne state, and any hits that combo off that first hit will cause them fall as though they were airborne.
So if you hit them in prejump they’ll pop out on hit 2.
That imples juggling. If I hit you in the air with a normal, I can’t follow up unless it was a special normal. If you go into air hitstun on the first hit, then the second shouldn’t connect.
What you are implying is that prejump frames have a special hitstun that allows a second hit to combo, but that it hits them airborne.
It’s weird, I admit, but that’s the way it seems to work. You get hit during prejump frames, and it looks like normal standing hitstun, but any hits that connect during that hitstun seem to cause airborne hitstun.
go into training mode, set CPU to jump. Trip the CPU and try to do a couple jump in combos like that. They should pop up after the 2nd hit of th combo (not always but sometimes).