Can I salvage this PS3 Sixaxis pcb?

So, I just washed my bed comforters, only to find out that I left a Sixaxis in it. The controller atm is bricked, as expected from going through a washcycle, but I was wondering if it is in any way possible to salvage the pcb to use in an extra HRAP shell I have laying around. I know this might be a stupid question considering how much I screwed up the controller, but I figured I should put this pad through Tech Talk before throwing it away. Thanks in advance!

Very doubtful, it’s most likely toast… but… my wife once washed a harmony remote the exact same way and half the buttons still worked. 98% chance it’s toast though.

Well, I’ve heard stories of people wiping down water damaged computer parts with rubbing alcohol, so I was wondering if there might be a similar homecooked solution for fixing this pcb. Or I was hoping that only certain parts of the pcb would be susceptible to water damage, so that I could salvage the rest of the pcb for a stick build. If anyone has any input on this, let me know!

Maybe just the Lithium Battery is dead. Lithium does not mix well with water. You can try a replacement Lithium battery. But this is a long shot.

See if plugging it in through USB gives any signs of life. If you’re afraid of frying a computer, get a USB wall charger and see what happens.

No response from USB, which makes me wonder, can the Sixaxis function independent of the Lithium battery? Or does it need the battery to work off of USB power?

Until I find that out, I guess I’ll look up some battery replacements. Thanks for the input guys.

I’ve put a good amount of electronics through washing machines over the years - most of the time, the battery becomes useless, but the thing itself still works with a a few defects. In the sixaxis’s case, I fully expect the battery to no longer charge, a few buttons to be stuck or unresponsive, and maybe the accelerometers to be dead. The PCB may very well still be hackable; rip it apart and find out, I say.

I doubt anything bad will happen if you just plug it in. Make sure its completely dry first, of course. Maybe let it sit on a boxfan for a day to something.

Best to find out the pad works or not before completely tearing the controller apart.
Obviously the pad as to be opened up to replace the battery. But it doesn’t need a full tear down.

There is a good chance the WHOLE thing is fucked up beyond repair and is only value now as a expensive paper weight.

Is this the battery I should be looking to replace the Sixaxis one with? I’m willing to gamble $7 to save a $40 pcb lol.

I had an imported white DS3 die on me a couple years ago. One minute I was playing with it, the next it was dead. I took it apart and looked for any problems, swapped batteries with another one, no deal. It was toast. I tried it again a month later, no go.

But about 8 months later, I plugged it in, and it worked fine. Held a charge and everything, and now works as if nothing had ever happened.

The logical conclusion is that Sony’s PCBs are self-healing and magical. If it doesn’t work when it’s dried and has a new battery, I would set it aside for a year, then try it again.

Perhaps human sacrifices to elder gods. It how I used to get the NES to play certain problem games in the 1980s, especially when the blowing option failed.
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