Does anyone know the name of these two cabs, or can ID them for me??
I’ll be picking up the blue one in a week, but need more info on both, as the web seems to hold zero info on them.
Whatever info anyone has would be great. Thanks!!
Wow, nice score on the blue cabinet. :tup: How much are you picking it up for?
I don’t know the name of that cabinet but I believe it was first used by SSFII and the second one is referred to as a “showcase” style cabinet and first used with Gauntlet Legends in the arcades? I could be wrong but I actually have the plans for the showcase and plan on making it from scratch in a few weeks. Here is the link that inspired me
The cab is in mint/near mint condition and comes with
X-men VS Street Fighter
Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter
Marvel VS Capcom
Marvel VS Capcom 2
All USA versions.
The guy was asking $1500 for the whole set. It seems like a lot but when you factor in everything that I am getting for it, the term ‘fair market value’ does apply.
That and the drive is only about 7 hours away to pick it up, lol!
Nice find. I almost had a blue cab, but the guy sold it out from under me. Oh well, picked up a dynamo a few months later. I would like to get one of those eventually myself.
I would say you did all right, you have about $700 in boards alone with all of those games.
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. I NEVER see good condition Qsound cabs anymore so when you factor in the games and such, it becomes well worth it.