Can anyone help out a newbie

can anyone help out a newbie for friendly thing by making me a ibuki pictures plz :slight_smile:

whats with the request along the game forums for this Ibuki? there are many pictures to be found just typing in an "Ibuki "search on the net-:wtf:

Hey I think that request is cool because I have an Ibuki pic and this is the best time for me to show it off…

gunstar i did do that but i think i found most of them because the same things keep poping up, also i need creative work from these awsome drawers

and thanks to the person who gave me a picture:Dthanks mr.T the picture is cool

ps:i will give u credit

I agree Mr. Twelve’s Ibuki is awesome, though i do believe you’ve posted it before. However, seeing it again inspires me to colour more often.

Anyway, i’m too late but this is an Ibuki sketch i posted a while ago:

And this is an Ibuki i finished about a month ago, i will colour this one (hopefully):

thanks u very much

That’s one sw33t Ibuki there, Mr. Twelve. I love a good picture of Ibuki.

ibukisacute, what exacly are you looking for? What would you have to do with a picture of Ibuki anyway?

sees opportunity to post old art…

O_O rook, you pwn!

Always wanted art of Ibuki’s taunt. Any chance of making another one? This time having the character getting taunted getting a closer look at the foor? You know, in-game, they duck really low after she does that… and she uses both hands. I still love this pic.

Thanks and… you will give me credit? You gona put my pic on your website or something?

Yeh woops I shouldve said “Hey I think that request is cool because I have an Ibuki pic and this is the best time for me to show it off… again:smiley: