Can a mod have a word in the Bison forum please?

We have a child Spamming topics with utter nonsense. I’ve had a word to try and keep his questions all in one thread but he’s literally taking over the whole board with drivel. Zangief129457 is his username.

Sorry, never had cause to complain and I don’t want to waaaaaa but you really only have to look at the thread list to get an idea of what I’m talking about:

Didn’t know where to take this as I couldn’t find the report button anywhere. Sorry if off topic.

Sorry. I didn’t know I was spamming.

Is there a way I cannot spam?

[Bison Q&A Thread](Bison’s Q&A Thread: Ask here before making new threads!
This is a thread that is stickied in the Bison board, it is for short questions and such. Another thread is the Bison matchup thread in which you can ask matchup related questions. Honestly, before creating a thread just look for a minute if your questions falls under another thread before instantly clikcing on “new Thread”

Thanks. I will listen. And I’m not a KID!