I thought this was old, but I still don’t see any other Sakura players doing it (outside of Japan) other than Ricky and I.
After shorts x3 into fierce uppercut combo, normal jump towards the opponent and do a forward dive kick when Sakura is about over her opponent’s feet. Sakura lands on a random side right before the opponent gets up… making it nearly impossible to block consistently. I’ve made HUGE comebacks with this. Land it twice and most characters will be dizzy… you should have enough meter by then to start the CC.
Oh, the option to throw the opponent while they’re concentrating on blocking should go without saying.
On the todo tip, say i jab DP (sagat or shoto) as a reversal, if todo does the sweep he’ll get hit, but if he does the RC grab they will both pass through ( I think ), if all that is true, who has advantage at the end of that sequence? Damn i need a book, buk you need to work off commission =P.
Damn. Chicken fucking Noodle soup with the speedy response (referring to your response to me.) Stop the beasting, CvS2 People’s Champ.
That answer with Blanka was so obvious, yet I never bothered to actually WAIT for a second to do the blankaball. Duh. Thanks for leading me by teh hand Campbell.
Regarding that Sakura trick, that’s hella like…day 1 stuff, the reason I never bothered to do it anymore is cause I thought people knew how to block it by now. I never thought it was still good (then again, noone did it to me since the game first came out :P)
More people need to post, noone cares about this thread apparently. If anyone hates on any of Buk’s tricks (like someone was hatin on he Mai trick,) then you need to realize, again, these are PARLOR tricks. Meaning they’re supposed to work once or twice (well depends on the trick, some you can keep using and they really can’t do anything about it) in the heat of a tournament match.
Im trying to remain as quiet as possible so that this remains campbells thread I post enough random shit elsewhere throughout the day without adding all kinds of stuff (like this post) here… Its a good thread tho. I likes it.
i care about this thread a great deal. i check it everyday to see what interesting new trick that campbell has posted. i just don’t see the need for me to basically spam up this thread by detracting from his tips or trying to add my own. if i ever see something that sparks my curiousity or i have a question about, i’ll ask. but until then, i’ll just let campbell do his thing.
I didn’t actually simulate the scenario, but according the numbers in the book Todo should recover about 9 frames faster than the fastest recovering uppercut… which lets him grab again.
More cross up goodness! Yea this isn’t exactly character specific but for ease of explanation I’ll use Ken. Hit a grounded opponent with a level 1 Shinryuken. Notice the opponent falls torwards you? Whenever a situation like this happens you can do a pretty tricky cross up by simply waiting a split second and jumping straight up. You’ll land right before the opponent gets up and switch sides. Wait a split second longer and you won’t. Crazy!
Anyway, this can be done with a few characters. Cammy gets this situation fairly often with her uppercut in normal play, and can also get it during a combo: lv2 super, rh dive kick, rh uppercut. Blanka will usually get this situation whenever he does his lv2 to lv1 cancel… and I’m sure there’s more but that’s all the ones I can think of right now.
Bison’s Psycho Crusher and scissor kicks are great whiff punishers. Psycho Crushers can punish any whiffs incredibly easily for a big chunk of damage, and if you have a full meter you can punish whiffs with a scissor kick into CC into death.
While it might be kind of awkward to punish random whiffs with these since they are both charge moves, they do have a few set ups to get that whiff while still retaining your charge. For the most part though, they require you to get close enough to get a block string on your opponent.
For example, Bison dashes up to Cammy and does low short, jab low forward which is blocked. After the blocked string he starts walking back. Cammy, thinking he’s still in range hits roundhouse… which just barely whiffs. BAM. Bison gets a free roundhouse scissors into CC into a very dead Cammy.
Of course, if your opponent stops biting on the bait you can fall back on other things. The simplest thing to do would be to walk back a little farther to get into the range of the safe 1 hit short scissors. If you know your opponent isn’t going to press anything, you can get a little more aggressive and walk in/dash in and do another block string (if it counter hits, free combo into CC) and try to bait a whiff again. And of course, there’s always walk/dash up throw…
After a bit of experimentation, I finally found the trick to linking after Joe’s fierce crazy hands consistently:
Do the crazy hands, and RIGHT before the seconds hit of the hands, tap jab+fierce twice really quick.
If you do it right so that you only get a 4th hit, links after become braindead easy. The frame advantage after the 4th hit has to be at LEAST +11 or more.
Anyway, this opens up a ton of possiblities: the generic thing to do would be to link a sweep afterward for a knockdown and lots of damage (2500 damage for a move that often RCed randomly? sweet!). You can link supers. You can link CC’s. You can walk forward and STILL link a jab, and buffer into fierce crazy hands again. You can walk a little farther and go for counter hit low strong into hands. And of course, you can mix up throws in there.
Use your imagination. This becomes a BEAST when Joe corners the opponent. Videos of Version playing A-Joe are kinda rare, but if you find one you might catch him doing some crazy ass shit with this.
I have noticed often that when chars like say Cammy or Sagat whiff a move… certain moves… for instance Shoto trips will hit them at that range when they normally wouldn’t have had they not thrown out the move.
I understand that this is due to something with the recovery frames or what not. I am just curious how players know the range at which they can throw out this trip. Also isn’t this risky… since if they bait they trip with a jab… they can create a whiff with your “whiff punisher”.
So I was just curious about how players know the range at which they can hit a whiff (when they are out of your range)… is it a property of the whiffed move? or the move used to punish the whiff? Cuz every now and then… i try to punish cammy’s st RH w/ shotos cr RH when i am slightly out of range hoping for this property to take place… and i am too far for it… and thereby whiff my cr RH… and get raped in the process. Hopefully that wasn’t too confusing the way I worded that.
It’s just general knowledge. Some whiffed moves you have to punish by hitting your opponent’s body (Cammy roundhouse, Sagat low fierce, Chun standing strong), and some are punishable by hitting their outstretched limb (most notably Blanka low fierce, Guile low forward, Chun low strong).
Basic footsies 101. If you know your opponent is looking for whiffs, bait them to throw out their whiff punisher with a jab. Depending on the range/lagginess/speed of their whiff punisher you can cause it to whiff and punish it, counter hit it, jump over it, or roll through it. Every character can at least do one of these well.
After hitting an opponent with Yamazaki’s DP+K overhead (not a bad move to RC now and then), immediately roll. It isn’t particularly hard to block unless the DP+K hit from max range, but that’s not the important part. The fact that it crosses up (thus reducing the chance of your opponent waking up with a reversal whatever) and puts Yamazaki at the perfect range to do the Viscant Special mix up for free is the important part.
Campbell you are a beast.
I don’t post often but I read everytime you post. In an ealier post someone said something about more people posting… I think a lot of people just sit back and read. Thanks for the good info
For you people that are PMing me with questions about this thread, go ahead and just post them here. I’m sure a lot of other people probably are wondering the same thing.
2 reps of crazy hands is the max you can get. On the second rep, you’re too far away for the 4th hit (which is the one you can link off of) to hit.
The John Choi Special, later bitten by Ricky and imported over to the EC.
Hit with a Sagat fierce DP, dash forward, then walk forward a little bit and roll. One of the hardest to block roll cross ups in the game, HUGE comebacks have been made from this. Practice it until you can control which side you end up on… but for the defender it’s nearly impossible to tell.
Another variation of this roll cross up is: fierce uppercut, then roll twice to cross up. To NOT cross up, walk back very slightly before rolling twice.
i rememeber viscant mentioning one time when talking about cvs1 yama…u do the lvl1 grab super, if they roll or stand there, they get caught…if they jump, u recover in time to hit them with his anti-air.
Viscant special (which is MY special damnit, he didn’t believe till I showed him) is do any medium strength button right next to the guy, preferably meaty low forward, and then his HCBF grab if you think they are just going to sit there or do another low forward xx slash if you think they will jump away. If you’re talking about something else though, uh, then nevermind.