The early concensus is that Raven eats everyone alive if played smartly. I’ve had the same problem since it feels like his teleports have such short windows of recovery–I get counter hit out of every punish attempt with his cr.LP. A neutral jumping HP as soon as Raven vanishes can sometimes stuff his post-teleport offense but Cammy’s neutral jump normals seem so poor that I haven’t found anything reliable. The only thing that works against Ravens who don’t play so smartly is to use EX spiral arrow to get under his standing shurikens–if they’re TK’ed you get negligable damage and it’s much harder to convert into good damage. We should both hit the lab on this, because I’m really in the same boat as you. It might just be a difficult match-up no matter what, but there’s still a ton of exploring to be done yet.
You can DP Raven’s cr.HP SDC on block, I think. Raven also doesn’t have an anti-air he doesn’t need to time like MK.Cannon Spike, so you can mix him up with EX Cannon Strike vs. Standard jump-in to get a hit, provided he doesn’t TP or Air-to-Air. Raven also doesn’t have any kind of invincible reversal that leads to big damage, unless he has Super, so you can pressure rather safely with grounded frame traps.
Punish blocked Alter Ego’s for max damage. Punish Windcross for max damage. Punish botched combos for max damage.
Raven’s one weakness is that if you get the lifelead, he’s pretty toast versus down-back. No reliable overhead outside of MK.Alter Ego (Which doesn’t do much damage/is mad punishable) and SFxT’s piss-poor throw game means all he can do is jab, throw and shuriken. Approach patiently and play super lame once you’re ahead.
Also, being mindful of your current frame advantage is necessary so you don’t press buttons when you’re not supposed to when either of you are starting up jab strings. Don’t give your opponent an opening for damage (Use lots of cl.LP > cl.LP > cl.HP and cl.HP > cr.MK/far.HP confirms) and you’ll be pretty safe from jabby retribution up close.
EDIT: Oh yeah, well-timed crossups into cl.HP versus Raven’s wakeup are safe, as j.LK/j.HK may whiff against his LK+HK Alter Ego, but the cl.HP will clock him anyways
I’m running Cammy/Lili at the moment, not the best team but I like Lili since she is kinda like a Tekken version of Cammy. In 2v2 with my brother we play Cammy/Law with my Cammy on point. It’s a really solid line up with huge damaging combos.
Does anyone know any safe jump set ups?
It is possible to OS Alpha Counter, for example with 2 bars :db::f::d::df:+:hp::hk::mk: > :mp::mk: …
If Alpha Counter triggers, confirm it with a damaging combo.
If it doesn’t, EX Spike xx TC comes out instead of the very unsafe launcher.
How has the frame-trap game been going for you guys? I’ve moved away from simple jabjabjab for more damaging frametraps when up close. Here’s a neat string.
Starting from any jump-in:
cl.HP > far.LP x far.MK x cl.HP xx EX CS > Dash
After the first cl.HP, you should be able to confirm off of a successful jump-in. If it’s blocked, far.LP is an easy frame trap. If it’s all blocked, far.LP x far.MK x cl.HP works because far.MK moves Cammy’s center mass forward. Cancel into EX CS if it’s blocked. I don’t think you can really react to the EX CS dash, but it leaves you at -3 or -4, I think. The sheer speed of it means they won’t be able to react to it anyways, which allows you to follow up with more traps/throw provided they aren’t mashing. It keeps you inside, and even if you botch the final hit-confirm (You actually connected with chains, then followed into cl.HP xx EX CS > Dash), you can still combo with light normals.
Mix this up with jab strings and other normals to keep your traps unpredictable and not prone to Alpha Counters (It will also make it harder to react to EX CS Dash Cancel). It allows you to be keep pressing buttons and lay on pressure. You just have to watch for invincible reversals. Fit in Walk-forward > Jab where applicable.
1st round, i am against down-back guile.
wtf am i supposed to do? its like nothing works. if i jump he uses flash kick, if i dash he just jabs…
Cammy has no easy answers to this; you just have to outplay the turtle. Keep the pressure up at all possible times and use your frame traps to interrupt the eventual jump or sonic boom Guile will try, then convert your counter hit into extra damage with a combo. Tick-throwing still works well in this game, it’s just much harder than in previous ones. Keep in mind as well you can use spinning back fist to go through projectiles if you predict it well, just use them carefully. Finally Cammy’s super is a great way to punish a sonic boom on reaction from mid-range, but not full screen.
Remember that once you’re in his face make sure you stay there, repeated cross-ups can result in a missed flash kick (facing the wrong way) so you get a full punish. Patience is key.
Gosh i’ve been delaying writing this up… Wall of text incoming!
Hey guys, been playing this lovely lady from day 1 and i’ve got pretty good feelings about her. However, there are some matchups that i honestly haven’t god the slightest clue how to handle yet.
So first of all i’d say that Cammy’s got three main strengths at the moment.
- An extremely solid anti air (one of the best in the game by far in mk. Cannon spike)
- Some of the best pokes in the game (, xx Launcher)
- Amazing frame traps
Thus to get decent i’d say first of all get your poking game up to scratch, learn the range as best you can of chained into launcher, learn when you’ll need to do far.hp instead of whiffing.
Once you can out poke your opponent chances are they’re gonna be jumping at you… So all you need then is to anti air on reaction every time. Once they’re scared to both jump and press buttons you can get in for free and use your frame traps etc. Be wary of their anti airs but most of the time if you space it for a cross up you’ll be safe.
Few things i’ve learned over the past few months:
[]It seems like Cammy is more of a chain into launcher character than a solo combo character, i’m yet to find a combo that she can do solo (without meter) for more damage than a linked launcher combo into a damaging partner. And even if you have meter, something like:,, Jump cancel TKCS, close.hp, far.hp XX Hk cannon spike (tag) into a partner’s extension usually does more damage than EX spiral arrow, st.hp xx hk cannon spike. (Ex spiral arrow combos ARE useful however when your partner doesn’t have the health to get tagged in or you want cammy to specifically keep applying pressure.
[]Characters with normal anti airs (Juri, Ibuki, Rufus etc.) can all be baited into a counter hit if you do a high dive kick near the peak of your jump. Normally it’d be unsafe but when they stick out their limb to anti air you the delay on your jump will score a counter hit into a combo of your choice.
[*]Some of Cammy’s hard matchups are those who are both difficult to anti air due to their jump arc and also their ability to keep crossing you up once they get in on you… To avoid this (especially with characters such as Juri/ibuki) neutral jump air throw them in order to force them to rethink constantly going for crossups.
[*]On that note… USE CAMMY’S AIR THROW! It’s pretty godlike in this game. A lot of people like rolling and jumping away on wakeup to avoid pressure, if you can read a jump and don’t want to contest with some other characters godlike air to air normals just air throw them and go in for another mixup.
(Quick note is that if you can read a Juri going for a vertical teleport on wakeup, just jump right up after her and throw her. TRUST me it’ll rattle their cages enough to make them sit there and block next time)
[*]Don’t be afraid to throw out a max range well timed spiral arrow (hk), if you get the tip to hit it’ll be safe, and whilst in the poking game where people are afraid to jump it’s nice to catch people off guard and get a mixup on their wakeup.
[*]Frame traps:
So the best frame trap block string i go for usually off of a jump in is: s.lp, s.lp, cr.hp,,
There’s multiple points to catch people mashing buttons here, if they’re pressing any buttons after the two light punches they’ll get the cr.hp in the face which you can link into the for a high damage launcher combo. If they block the cr.hp, delay your slightly and chances are they’ll think that they’re far enough away in order to press buttons only to get kicked in the face.
If your opponent gets used to blocking all this, after the cr.hp just go for a jump in as they’ll be expecting your far mk and you’ll cross them up from this range.
If you don’t want to jump in, after a cr.hp you can do CADC into standing light punch for either a tic throw, more pressure, a TKCS or whatever else you want (block to bait those mashing bastard?)
[*]Ground throws and hooligan throws:
Use your ground throws whenever you condition your opponent to block as per usual, the second they start teching use a slightly delayed instant cannon strike to clip their crouch tech limb for a combo.
Hooligan throws are GREAT for punishing dashbacks which some characters LOVE to abuse (Law, ibuki, julia). If you can read them on wakeup or after a slightly unsafe move.
Also, using hooligans after a hard knock down with cammy (if they don’t roll) is great.
[*]Off of back throw and hooligan throw:
Delay a whiffed standing light punch and then go for a cross up on either roll or neutral wake up (you can do this on reaction). It’ll be completely ambiguous and 90% of the time net you a cr.hp,,, launcher combo.
[*]Building meter from full screen: Mashing cr.hp seems to be the quickest way, quicker than dash cancelling spiral arrow etc.
[*]Use spin knuckle to go through any fireball you can read. Remember you can go into ultra mid screen and get a full juggle combo in the corner off of this.
[*]Light hooligan timed correctly goes over fireballs and builds meter. Use it to frustrate keepaway characters so they want to move in on you and make a mistake.
Use Ex hooligan for a full screen fireball read.
[*]Cammy can punish any hard tag in this game from almost full screen if you know it’s coming with her fast walk speed.
- Walk forward, jump from max range, hit them with the tip of, land and do far.hp into manual launcher for a high damage punish on raw tags.
That’s all i can think of for now, if i remember any of my other tid bits i’ll come back and put them down. Also, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask, I’m by no means an expert but i know my girl in this game.
Now for my issues.
What’s Cammy’s answer to the following characters / tactics?
[*]I’ll start with my biggest problem… Zangief.
How the hell is Cammy supposed to fight Gief in this game?
- I try to poke with and his just smacks right through her leg 90% of the time for a counterhit.
- You obviously can’t jump in at him with how godlike lariat is as an anti air…
- SPD’s range being disgusting meaning if she is in close you’re in a constant 50/50 between a super armor grab, EX SPD on wakeup or a lariat.
- His godlike jumpins (j.hp, and i think it’s might be light kick…) make him a pain in the arse to anti air and even if you do his godlike health means it’s barely a scratch (Not to mention all the health regen/defence gems gief players love to use)
Seriously. What’s she supposed to do? He’s the only grappler which gives me trouble.
[]Ryu / sweep into heavy donkey kick pressure (+1). Apart from trying to DP him in between the string… Is there anything she can do apart from backdash and give him space to zone?
[]Vega’s who can space well and anti air? It seems like Cammy can’t punish any of his charge moves (although note that i’ve never played the character so i wouldn’t really know what’s punishable apart from presumably his anti air flip kick) His sky high claw move (clings onto wall, goes horizontal across the screen) seems like safe pressure…
Also, how do you get around the sky high claw all together or the rest of his charge moves? Is there a specific tactic? (Jump backwards heavy kick?) or are you just supposed to sit there and guess block?
Once in with cammy it doesn’t seem too hard to mix him up but when in the neutral game he seems to just rape her.
[*]Juri was originally a super hard matchup for me but recently with the discovery of air throw winning air to airs and delayed cannon strike beating her cr.hp anti air the experience has been a lot easier to cope with. Still, any help in this matchup is appreciated.
[*]A GOOD guile.
As in, one that simply waits, knows his pokes perfectly and will anti air/sonic boom with perfection. Is there anything she can do here apart from get lucky once in order to get in then keep applying pressure? I know that his anti air options are lacking in this game compared to SFIV, especially where flash kick will miss when crossed up a lot of the time, but he’s still an issue if he keeps his spacing correct.
So yeah, please help with those characters / problems i’m having. If you have any idea how to get around them it’d be greatly appreciated by myself and i’m sure a few others.
That’s about it i think, i considered making a thread for this ridiculous piece of text but to be honest i think the sfxt Cammy community just needs to be a bit more vocal with everything. If you discover some interesting tech or something to help a matchup post it here because as it is her forum is pretty damn dead. I know she’s a simple character so there isn’t too much to ‘discover’ but when it comes to specific matchups surely we can use all the help we can get right?
Holynido, I appreciate the info and agree that we should be more vocal. I think the problem as it stands currently is that with all the balance changes incoming, some of which have already been promised to be major by Capcom, a great many players (including myself) are only playing casually for now, because investing tons of time on complex setups that may not work in just a few weeks is a waste of time. I’m all for decoding our beloved killer bee once things have settled, but until Capcom has addressed what are considered the “major” problems of assist gems, st. jab pressure, and air tatsus, I feel it’s best to enjoy the game on a less serious level. Plus, I think interest in this game will increase after EVO and as soon as all the Capcom haters find something new to be pissed off about.
That said, your current matchup issues are almost identical to mine. I wish I had some great tech to share but it appears any character who’s difficult to anti-air and controls space well (as opposed to relying on rush-down and mix-ups) is a difficult match-up for Cammy. I know I’m in the minority here, but I think fighting a good Dhalsim is actually a poor matchup for Cammy, since in this game the huge stages give him so much more room to teleport and/or roll to get away from Cammy’s rush down.
I’d say that while characters like Ryu, Ken and Raven are running riot we don’t have to worry too much about our girl getting nerfed apart from something regarding standing jab pressure. (Which to be honest is only good every so often every few games. I haven’t used it personally in my last 100+ matches and i’ve been winning the majority of them at higher level play). Even then, if it does get nerfed hopefully capcom have the brain power to nerf those characters i mentioned earlier and thus make those match ups easier anyways.
For Dhalism, standing jab on reaction to teleport to put him in a juggle state and get a minor juggle combo (st.lp,, st.hp, hk. cannon spike). If he shoots a yoga flame before hand and tries to pincer you with a delayed teleport just neutral jump the flame when it gets to you and once he teleports to try and cross you up simply come down on his head with a neutral jump mp. (Her best neutral jump normal as far as i can tell so far, they’re all ass.)
If he jumps from 3/4 screen backwards to try and yoga sniper you hk.spiral arrow on reaction to the jump to go under his arms, a lot of the time you’ll have enough time to cannon spike him after going under his arms due to his floaty jump.
Use high cannon strikes to counter hit his anti air (
If he’s teleport happy on wakeup just walk right up to his body and jump straight over it on wakeup to hit his teleported self with a into far.hp into whatever (spiral arrow, tag etc.)
Don’t be afraid to dp him every time he’s 1/2 a screen away from you or less and in the air. Her spikes will reach him most of the time due to their large range.
Finally, if he’s playing a pure ground game and just poking you with his medium’s. from 3/4-1/2 screen distance from cammy is a GREAT counter poke i’ve found in this game, beats him clean most of the time.
Thanks for the Dhalsim info–I’ll definitely try it out if I get to rematch the same player I fought before.
As for the potential nerfs, I’m not necessarily saying they’ll make strong individual Cammy nerfs, but they may change the core mechanics of the fighting system enough to change her game pretty strongly, not to mention all the possible unintended consequences of them tinkering around. After all, the Rolento knife glitch is a result of them removing infinites, and nobody even including Capcom saw coming. I do agree with you that the jab pressure is almost totally useless, it’s just what’s on the chopping block because everyone’s complaining about it so much.
I wanna main cammy. but i got my problem with turtles using her especially balrog. got any tips?
Good insight, Holynido. I agree with most of the stuff, but I just want to add a few things.
Low forward CADC into throw or frame traps only really works on people that haven’t seen it before. Low forward has so little block stun that opponents can mash jab once they see it and beat you out of any mix up and combo you in the process. If they were jabbing early enough, you can actually get hit before your dash even recovers! I suggest using more far fierce CADC, which from what I read somewhere on here is only -3. Low forward CADC has to be way worse that that.
I don’t feel the frame traps you listed are going to catch good players pressing buttons, and people on point can react to a jump once you push them that far out. My traps aren’t great, but I think they serve the purpose of frame traps a bit better:
-cr.lp, (throw) OR cr.lp, (delay) cl.hp. If HP hits due to a tech attempt or otherwise, link into far.HP xx Spiral Arrow or far. HP xx launch., cr.lp, st.lp. This is a simple hit confirm off of a cross up or empty jump. If it’s hitting, combo into anything. If it’s being blocked go into: far. HP, CADC (throw) OR instant EX CS. You can also just start up another frame trap.
-cr.lp, (jump cancel). Follow with either: cross up lk, instant cs to beat crouch techs and restart pressure, empty jump throw or empty jump low to catch a stand tech on the other side. Note that this is better off of a jump in because cr.lp to doesn’t combo so make sure they’re blocking before you go for this. Also, I mainly stick to using this against Tekken characters because instant CS is -1, but most of the Tekken cast’s normals are 5+ frames startup so you can still go straight into more pressure.
You can tack on a stand forward-roundhouse chain at the end of any of these but, after doing that one or two times, people generally aren’t going to fall for that and just not press buttons while you push yourself out. I prefer to have all my strings keep me close so I can CADC right back in at any time, which is where Cammy wants to be.
Against Ryu, low forward into Donkey Kick is not a true blockstring. I don’t know the frame data on it but the gap is large enough so that you can actually stick in a normal in between the normal and the kick and combo him for that. I’ve had many people do that to my Ryu. If you don’t want to risk that, Alpha Counter tag cancel is always an option since you can react to the Donkey kick. Ryu has a lot of tools in this game, but Cammy has counters to two of his most common ones. Footsies: Standing forward beats low forward at max range, but before you start just throwing it out try to walk him into the corner, maybe throwing out jabs or just rocking back in forth instead. You need to see how jumpy the Ryu is first. If he’s mashing low forward, you can probably play footsies with him easily. If he likes to sweep, you can either take your chances and go for a straight up jump, or look to cross him up. If your reactions are good, you can Super his sweep on whiff. If he’s impatient and likes to jump a lot, don’t stick out very many normals and always punish those jumps with DP. If he’s at a range where he might cross you up with air tatsu, do the DP early so you don’t have to guess. Or, if you can react to the tatsu, DP really late so you will auto correct and not risk trading. Fireballs: If you conserve your meter and/or have a good battery point character, keep in mind that you should almost always keep Cammy stocked with two bars so she can fight Ryu. You need Super to punish fireballs and you can do it later and further away than in SFIV, so it’s more reliable.
Zangief is the second hardest matchup for me, and often times I simply raw tag out for Ryu when I get the chance… However, I did learn that when playing footsies, although you don’t want to get pushed into the corner, since the stages are so large in this game take advantage of that. Gief’s standing short, jab and strong seem to beat me more when I’m standing still or moving towards him. However, when I’m rocking back and forth (slightly inching backwards) I have a better time tagging his normals with the very tip of standing forward. Remember that standing strong into roundhouse or fierce is not safe on block, so if you ever block one of those chains, you can always punish with Super or your own chain if he’s close enough. Also, throw him. SPD doesn’t start up nearly as fast as AE, and unless it’s just the rollback netcode, I’ve actually seen Cammy throw him out of the startup animation a few times.
Vega’s wall dives for the most part you just have to guess against, but if you have two bars you can punish any of the mixups you block with Alpha Counter. For instance, the one where he flies straight across the screen, block that, then Alpha Counter, and Tag Cancel that for upwards of 300 damage. You can do the same thing against that multihitting roll when opponents try to tag in and you’ll combo both characters. As far as spacing, I haven’t played enough Vegas to know what to do to get around his superior footsies. His jumping normals come out really fast even though his anti-airs from the ground aren’t that good. But again if you have Super, you can punish his chains. 300 damage will give you a decent life lead and make Vega come to you. I feel Vega has an equally difficult time getting in against Cammy.
Guile is my hardest matchup, and I think it’s probably the hardest for Cammy in the game. Aside from getting lucky with straight jump ins, try to inch your way forward after a blocked chain or close up sonic boom. What I do is just fight for the space where Cammy can cross him up and make Flash Kick whiff. Once you’re in that space, similar to what you mentioned, Guile can only anti-air with a very early jump back normal. Try to catch onto the rhythm of Sonic Booms and cross up when you think he’s going to throw one. The worst that can happen is him tagging you for 90 damage and jumping his way into the corner. Once you’re in (whether he blocked your jump in or not) make it count with frame traps, CADC normals and instant EXCS if you have to. I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but if you need to get the life lead, punish blocked chains with Super.
Lastly, I want to add this because I also had problems with odd jump arcs, like Bison, Ibuki, Juri, and things like Ken’s air tatsu for a while. At certain ranges you just don’t know where they’re going to land. My best advice is don’t stand there. You either want to be in those character’s faces or far enough so that Cannon Strike will beat them out of the air every time. If you insist on playing footsies with standing or low forward anyway, just make sure you’re constantly buffering DP, so you can smack those characters out of the air early before they cross you up. I think her harder matches are not the characters who have lots of options in the air, but the ones that don’t have to deal with her footsies/beat them like Vega, Zangief, Guile, Dhalsim, Sagat, and Abel (stand short -_-).
from cross up i just use, its so slow that you can hitconfirm it very easily, and its +2 on block.
Oh, right I actually use that a lot too. Didn’t think to mention it because I was only listing frame traps. Just be careful because jumping short is only +4 on block and cl.hp is 4 frame start up. So to make it a true block string where the opponent can’t DP in between, it’s a 1 frame link and you have to hit the cross up as late as possible., cr.lp and st.lp all start up in 3 frames so there’s a bit more leniency. It makes a big difference when playing against shotos who like to mash DP tag cancel after blocked jump ins. (guilty)
may be useful, but ex spin knuckle is a good trap to use for ravens wake up back-dash teleport move. I accidentally did it today and was pleasantly surprised it worked, I was just going for chip damage and was given a free wall bounce into a jhk and hk cspike.