Cammy vs blanka

I choose my R2 after I choose a team, what I’m looking for in a R2 is 1. can take sagat 2. doesn’t get horrendously raped by other common R2s 3. can turtle or attack, depending on what’s needed

cammy would fail at least the first 2, I’ve never seen a turtling cammy before but I’m sure she could do it, unable to answer sagat, no answer vs A-blanka (like most people in K), that’s all I need to know, 98% of the time, unless you put her first, she’s gonna get wasted, and I don’t recall 2/1/1 team order 98% of the time being a good strategy anywhere…nope, so I really don’t see how K-cammy would constitute as being able to take other teams, unless you’re heavily reliant on your R1s, in which case you may as well make them R2 if you’re gonna be so reliant on them

I mean, cmon, I’m crazy enough to use R2 C-Rugal, I still wouldn’t play R2 K-cammy, at least neither sagat nor blanka can completely shut out rugal (and puts him away from A-saks, C-chuns, hibikis, and K-cammys usually, minimizing his chances for nigh helpless matchups), although he’s usually the lowest tiered guy on my team, putting him R2 grants me the best overall efficiency allowing me to handle the most teams with the best relative advantage

you know, as opposed to going into every match knowing unless your R1s really give cammy a huge head start on sagat, you’re gonna have tons of fun being locked down all day

so yeah, please explain how R2 K-cammy means can take other teams when 9 of 10 times it’s the R2s that decide the match, when she’s at a 2-8 (I’m being generous) disadvantage 90% of the time?

really, choosing a R2 isn’t rocket science, but it’s a little more tactical than pick the highest tier in your team, she’s not even flexible ffs, she’s the most 1-dimensional character in this game, I can’t even think of a high tier that hasn’t devised a way to deal with her

I have this thought when I think about the r2. I think about it overall, not just Sagat. In theory, it can go back and forth by changing one character. So, I just think of the overall character wins to each other.

:rofl: I agree with you on the Cammy thing, it’s cool.
Actually I think here you stated what I tried to earlier on.
Hell for example I’ve watch this A-Rugal slam Cammy sveral times because the players were stupid and let themselves get cornered.

Or maybe Rugal can do that on a regular?

On your critical points for choosing characters though lots of successful teams operate differently.

Like an anchored R2 A-Bison for example is really good when that team is in the lead and the other guy is forced to come to him, that opens the doors for mistakes and so on.

If the match up to that point for the Bison player had gone sour, and his team’s loosing, well he’s not exactly your optimal R.T.S.D. character and that’s where you want him IMO, coming to you.

Anchored R2 A-Blanka on the other hand is good either way.

R2 C-Sagat with 2 or 3 bars though particularly excells at the former, when you’re ahead of the game, though you could argue in this case that K-Sagat doesn’t care one way or the other.

Rugal is actually good vs. Cammy. Kind of depends on the Cammy though.
K Cammy rapes Rugal. Everything else does decent.
You figure Cammy has a slow ass roll, and a bad jump. Rugal throws one fireball and Cammy has to start thinking, and Cammy should be braindead easy. This allows Rugal to move in(I prefer dash), then, cr. short short super, throw, or cr. short short, cr. forward, fireball.

The only thing that blows my mind away was hearing the buzz about R4 K-Raiden, that guy must’ve done a lot of thinking to get that to work.

He was done. He landed one jump in combo on Cammy, and it killed her. Thats how he won.

Yeah that’s pretty much how the matches played out.
Cammy with Run seems to do fine vs Rugal whenever I play that matchup, then again though I know that player:rofl: Unfortunately he brings in Sagat and I loose.

Though I’ve seen K-Cammy’s get caught in Rugal’s corner game before and he seems to decimate lots of people there, likely because they don’t know how to get out the corner though.

We got a guy out here that plays Rugal. Shows up once in a while and he always does that. Plays crosshanded too.

and :rofl: at the forum announcement at the top.

Crosshanded? What the hell

k-blanka is better…

blanka can do chip damage equal to like 1 rh or fp of cammys…he doesnt need dp for wake up, he has the kkk move and JD…his low jumps are infinately better and his cross up is more dangerous…when blanka knocks you down you WILL be scared especially if he has meter, if cammy knocks you down…who cares, wait for some fp and rhs and the match is reset…plus blanka has better vitality…

im outi


ps…cammy getting cornerend by rugals coner trap? thats funny, if he even decides to jump just spiral arrow out of corner, better yet run or walk out of corner…plus JDing will mess up some of his timing…you just got to be patient against rugals corner tricks, there are openings…people freak out and get hit by stupid shit…

yes, he’s mexican



i’m in a very very good mood today

damn sancho and his K groove low jump hks that I don’t have!

C-rugal has it extremely bad against run cammy, any repuken attempt = free run up st hk trade in her favor =(

not to mention his literally non-existant answer to her corner trap wiggling hks (outside of random RC godpress and the like), his dp gets beat clean by cammy pokes

whereas when rugal has cammy corner trapped, he gets no extra options on his corner game opposed to other characters (granted, it’s pretty strong anyways), though, rugal has a severely hard time pushing cammy back cuz kaiser wave is too slow and repus, as stated, don’t work ;_; so you’re reduced to random run up/dash up pokes, which are vastly inferior to hers

until you give rugal low jump at least, in which case his coffin kick is second only to blanka’s low jump hk, arguably even better, since rugal can tack on dp or super if he does it slightly late

no part of rugal’s corner trap involves jumping except lp repu -> j hk, which combos =P

I see that we’ve now turned this into a K-blanka vs K-cammy vs K-geese vs rugal thread =P

for K Blanka, i have problems against cross ups. This guy at Cf keeps doing cross up mk with C Blanka like 3 in a row and it’s so annoying.


uppercut his ass if hes not timing that shit right

JD, throw.

jump back fierce

if all else fails, kick him…


JD throw isn’t supposed to work! I swear!

KK hop out, anti air him (duh? =P), run/walk out of the cross up range, do things to make your sprite skinnier (usually standing, walk away a little, and not blocking, sometimes you can safely crouch and he’ll whiff, but don’t count on it), sj backwards and throw a hard out…there’s a lot of stuff you can do to deal with repeated blanka cross up mks…if you’re tall and know he’s gonna do it again, just stand up and lp him while he’s jumping back up or something, it’s hard to deal with sure, but very simple to get out of =P

…and…people still play cvs2 at cf? WTF! every time I step in the entire back section is empty!

Thats because Huey takes us all out for iced cream.

But seriously, i’m usualy there every Friday, unless like its a major week like TS or something, then I don’t go.
Like, I won’t go tomorrow, and I won’t go next week. (TS6 and WC sbo quals) because around major time, nobody shows up. Best day to go is Friday, unless its really THAT bad.

Tired of getting crossed up with K blanka… KKK Hop, IMMEDIATELY KKK Hop again.
Dont wait, SPAM that shit.

Well after a corner knockdown those repukens are pretty much free. Otherwise you’re right, and more or less HeaT is correct that there are gaps in Rugal’s corner pressure games, but this goes for all characters too.

K-Blanka vs K-Cammy vs K-Geese vs C/low jump Rugal?
Heh. Too good.