Cammy Thread

This thread is about Cammy and how to use her to her highest potential.

With this thread, hopefully we can get some basics of specific properties of individual moves and how they should be used, how to efficiently use her tactics, spacing, combos, and match-up strategies.

Links to Cammy matches

Here is a link to a webpage that lists links to youtube character matchups for ST Cammy:

Most the players are Japanese, and most the footage is from Japanese Tournaments.

My HTML skills are pretty weak, so the formatting is still rough.
This is a collection of links that I have had for some time, and I have found personally useful in improving my game.

The BEST way I have found to use these links, is to reference the appropriate ones AFTER I get my butt kicked by a particular character.
That way I’m hungry to pick up specific things that will help me in that matchup.


Good post, here’s the link for the cammy thread that already exists:



Thanks for the link ShinVega!
I had my thread view set to last month only.

Mods, please delete this thread.
I will re-post the info in it to the already exiting Cammy thread.
