Cammy Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

Ah ok so its called Proximity Blocking. I’ll look more into that, thanks for clarifying everyone.

Having yet another BnB Combo issue. I can’t seem to get the Cr. LK – > Cr. LP – > Cr. LK – > H. SA combo going, any tips? or do i need to grind it out more

I was just practicing that combo.

You have to delay the the last kick to link SA into it.

I’m having a rather rare issue where c.MK xx HK SA where Ryu only takes a single hit from the SA, and gets launched (This is bad if I’m comboing into super). It doesn’t seem to be range-dependent, and I can’t recreate it against other characters, it seems.

this should mostly happen when you combo cr.fp-> xx HK SA where you weren’t point blank for the cr.fp

Or u where very far away it seems from my exp.
When i jump over a fireball and just get them with j hk,i will only get one hit of the HSA.

Yeah, it really didn’t seem to be range dependent (This was only from c.MK too, mind you). I got it a few times point blank, and a few times at what might’ve been the max range of c.MK.

Can anyone help me out with LP, LP, LP, HK SA. I’ve been trying it repeatedly in training and have only managed it a couple of times, I have input display on and the input looks perfect so I assume its the timing, does the HK SA just need to come out really really fast or are there slight delays between the inputs?

Since Cammy’s c.LP can be canceled into itself (And c.LK, among other moves), you have to have a a slight delay between the last two normals.

Ixion - it’s more like this:

lp, lp, lp~hk SA

Hey, Ixion, I answered your question in the Videos thread.

  • James

Can some one give me some tips on cr.HP, cr.MK, SA and cl.MP, cr.HP, SA. For the second one ive never successfully performed it, heck ive never even seen it in a video before.

Thanks for the replies, I was doing the jabs to quickly without the delay but my bigger problem seems to be I just can’t execute the SA after the final LP quick enough. Its easy for something like cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.LK, HK SA as you’re already crouched and can start the quarter circle early but I don’t seem to have the execution for this combo (most of the time anyway, I have done it just very infrequently). Oh well I’ll keep practicing it!

Edit: Ha, half an hour later in training mode and I think I’ve cracked it. Just suddenly clicked. Practice practice practice pays off.

Edit 2: After a little more testing things out I have another question. I’m successfully pulling off LP, LP, LP, HK SA and I noticed sometimes my input display shows…

:lp:, :lp:, :d:,:df:, :r: :lp:, :r: :hk:

…so it remembers my last directional input and the LP before the HK doesn’t cancel it out? That seems like a little bit of a cheap way of doing things but it means I can buffer the quarter circle during the delay between normals. I’m not imaging that am I? Makes things a lot easier.

That’s a perfectly legitimate way to do it because Cammy doesn’t have a Special Move that is QCF + Punch. People have been using this “cheat” for a long time. In Super Turbo, you’ve probably seen Ken players do Jumping Jab into Air Hurricane Kick a lot. The best way to do that is QCB + Jab, Short. The Jab just does Jab but the Short activates the Hurricane Kick.

So yeah, it’s a perfectly legitimate way to do the combo.

  • James

Cool thanks for the info, thats good to know. I can do the combo 100% of the time using that method, my execution for that is better than for, cr.lp,, hk sa now so I’ll try and work it into my game.

Is a lvl 1 FA a good AA? I tried it out in training and it seems fine…but I can never do it online. Not sure if I am too slow or there is lag. I know that in training, lvl 1 focus attack can knock out air to ground combo.

What’s the safest jump kick/punch to do when you meet someone in the air and when you’re going to hit a grounded opponent?

No, not really. I thought we went over AAs. standing hp, standing hk, croucing hp and crouchin hk. You could focus if their attacking with a hk or something with a long recovery


What is the best way/method to train Focus Attacks? I trained using training mode and vs CPU but I found them to be somewhat inadequate. Any tips? or maybe I am not using training mode correctly…

This is what I do…
find someone online that doesn’t give much lag and use it all the time. That’s what I tried to do last time we sparred. Didn’t work too well if I remember correctly.