Hmm, haven’t been checking the SRK boards in forever now. Guess I can add in what I can with Cammy for the past few questions.
First of all, I will guarantee that 99% of the time, you will be using the Fierce Hooligan. There is almost never a reason not to if your intention is to grab someone. The Jab one can be used from a screen away to get over Fireballs. But if you are planning on grabbing someone, Fierce Hooligan will be what you use 99% of the time. There is ONE fun trick, and that’s meaty Crouch Strong into Strong Holligan. This puts Cammy BEHIND the opponent and she can still grab them. If they attack, they punch the wrong direction. It’s a fun “WTF?!?” to do on people, but to be honest: if they didn’t react in time to being thrown on that one, most likely they won’t react to the Fierce one in time either.
But again I emphasize: don’t rely on this move. The last thing you want to do is train people on how to react to it. Play O.G. Cammy from time to time and see if you can learn to win without it. It’ll only make the Hooligan Roll even THAT MUCH TOUGHER to deal with if you can play tough without it. It’s a complimentary move. It should not be the basis of your attack. It’s to be used when you’ve gotten them too worried about all the other evil shit Cammy can do.
Also, for the characters she is safe against after a block DP, it’s tough. It’s really not particularly cut and dry. There are some real obvious ones: Zangief, T.hawk, Guile… they can’t do shit to Cammy once they block a Cannon Spike. But other characters, it is not as clear cut. Take Ryu for instance. Ryu can punish only with his Super Fireball. So if he has it, don’t do it. Same for Chun. She can punish you with her Super, though she requires better timing (too early and it Juggles for no damage, too late and you block it).
Plus, there IS a distance factor. If you do a meaty Cannon Spike too close to the opponent, you can be punished. Like if you walk RIGHT UP to Zangief and do the cannon Spike as he gets up, I beleive he can walk up and sweep you. So if you ever decide to pester Zangief with Meaty Cannon Spikes (which is fun to do… :-p), make sure you keep a small space between the two of you. That guarantees he cannot punish you afterwards.
And I’ll have to chime in on tick games: Cammy’s tick games are some of the best in the game. My strategy with Cammy, in general, has shifted. Basically, the entire goal of the round is to figure out a way to knock the opponent over. Once. That’s all I need. And once you do, the goal shifts to never letting them ever get up ever again. Ever. If they do, revert to goal #1. But once they are down, her Meaty game is buff. Her Throws are hella good (because her Meaties are really buff), her Cannon Spike is good, Cannon Drill (which takes a minute to learn to use, but a lifetime to master) is good, and Holligan Roll is good. Between all of those, it’s actually not hard to keep them on the ground two to three times in a row. And with how much damage she does, that’s about 45-70% of their life right there.
I’ll answer more stuff later if anything new crops up.