I’m having trouble cancelling her cannon spike into CA reliably. Is there a certain technique you all use? Or am i just a scrub who can’t quickly buffer the CA after a dp motion
DP motion > qcf motion is what i do, the game lets you count the initial DP motion as the first qcf of the super input
Do your cannon spike motion and hit kick, then do a quarter circle forward motion and hit kick again (or just think of it as doing two cannon spikes back to back if that makes it easier for you). The timing is as soon as you hear the crack of the cannon spike hitting you should be hitting the kick button for the second time to activate the critical art or about the same time it takes to link two light punches together for a combo I think.
I had issues with this when I started. I found that I wasn’t reliably hitting the forward and I would miss the CA. Now I do DP to qcf to up forward+K and I’ve been golden since
What’s going on with Cammy 10th trial. It is simple yet o can’t land the dive kick low enough.
@ThatLegitBro Think of DP motion as F+QCF. This way you just hold forward, do a qcf, hit kick, do another qcf, hit kick.
Yeah I hate that one too. Tried it for a while, got frustrated and then did something else. It’s the only trial of hers that Im missing and I would really like to have her title and the money and experience of course.
Trial 10 is pretty easy.
Do st.hk at mid to maxrange,cancel into V-trigger, jump H Divekick for the angle, the rest of the combo is self explaining.
Hello all, so I’ve been trying to find a second character to beside Laura, and Cammy the only one that interests me. The problem is I just can’t seem to open anyone up with her, so I was just looking for what should I be doing to crack those turtle shells.
Alot of frame traps and tick throws… I feel jab tickthrow/frame trap is a good 50/50. Or jab shimmy also works, i personally havnt incorporates that into my game yet but it seems solid.
Like Hollowblade said, frame traps and throws. But it’s also important not to overlook the value of low strikes (especially EX) and a good shimmy game. Mix all of that up and you’ll get them open.
Frame traps in this game are great against jab-mashing but unlike in SF4 you can’t use it to cover throws as well. Having a good shimmy game is essential for that. Ex-divekick is great because it let’s you get back in without problems to try and mix them up again.
Of course will frametraps blow throws up.
Throws are 5f, if you try to throw someone when he goes for a frametrap,you will get counterd.
The reason why shimmy is better against throws is rather simple.
If you use a shimmy the throw whiffs,what gives you the opportunity to punish the whiffed throw.
If’s im correct you have 20f the moment you see the animation.
You can also get bigger damage out of it.
Frame traps will never blow late throw techs. Thats why people use shimmy in the first place.
And throws have 24f duration TOTAL.
Yes it doesn’t blow up late techs, I forgot that.
Thats what the shimmy was for too.
Hey everyone. I’m not sure how everyone else is feeling with SFV but I’m getting so freaking frustrated playing. This is not Cammy-specific but now that I am trying to main her, I wanted to get help here. I’m so terrible at this game. I guess I don’t understand the fundamentals as much as I would like.
So the main problems I’m having is that I just don’t know when to attack. I feel like every move someone throws out at me is safe (even though they most likely aren’t) and I just can’t punish them because I still get stuffed out by light normals. All my pokes that I throw somehow get countered. I am horrendous at hit confirming, especially c.mk, SA. I can’t seem to jump at the right times to get in. I can’t perform any combos in-game. I’m sure this is just a rant while on tilt but I’d really like someone to just be able to explain how to really play the game.
Essentially, I’ve broken down my game plan to:
- Simple punish combos:
– c.lp, SA
– c.mk, SA - Jump-in combo:
– j.hp, s.hp, SA - CC combos:
– s.hk, f.hk, c.mp, SA
– s.hk, s.hp, V-trigger, c.mk, SA, CS
- AA
- lk CS (I feel this is the most reliable instead of b.mp due to the invincibility)
- Pokes
- s.mk
- c.mk
I literally only poke with s.mk and c.mk, which is all blocked and I just can’t seem to get anything going unless they open themselves up with a very unsafe move.
I’m not trying to make my gameplay complicated but it just seems I don’t know what to press. I’m not sure if anyone would be able to just lay out fundamentals for me as it would really help me just get better overall. Watching progamers like poongko throw out random (at least it seems to me) SA and land them or seeing one hit confirms isn’t going to help me. Thanks in advance!!
post replays
I’m a PC user. How do I post/upload videos? Or do I have to record with my camera?
Steams shadow play will record it, then upload to youtube. If you need to crop it you can use moviemaker on windows, its free. Otherwise just record on your phone and post it on youtube.