I feel really stupid with this but how come the timing of st. MP st. HP xx HK SA is so janky? Can’t seem to get it to hit reliably at all. Heck, even the first part I have to hit HP twice in quick succession to get that to connect. I seemed to be trying to hit buttons too fast which is boggling my mind.
thanks for the reply man.
So what about crossups? which situation should i use it? i know cammy’s crossup is her jumping LK. But i always got AA’d or DP’d by my opponents when doing so…
Also should i use cannon strike when the opponents is waking up?
And lastly which situation is best suited to use the cannon strike?

I feel really stupid with this but how come the timing of st. MP st. HP xx HK SA is so janky? Can’t seem to get it to hit reliably at all. Heck, even the first part I have to hit HP twice in quick succession to get that to connect. I seemed to be trying to hit buttons too fast which is boggling my mind.
You’ll get used to it. You’re right, you’re probably hitting HP too fast. It’s not like that, it’s slower than you think.
I don’t know if people are interested int his or how many PC players we have here.
But I leave the link to my Steamguide here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=628525053
It’s also linked in my signature, I hope this will help some people.

I don’t know if people are interested int his or how many PC players we have here.
But I leave the link to my Steamguide here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=628525053
It’s also linked in my signature, I hope this will help some people.
Wow!! This is great stuff!
@SojoX Might wanna check if you’re not having those input delay problems. That combo is pretty easy (2f link + 2f leniency for the first frame) and should feel natural if you’re used to SF4’s 1/2f links. But I guess you can always double tap it.
Thanks for the info guys. it seems I was going a little too fast but also my TV is an issue (compared to when I try it on my PC). When I get a chance I’ll see if the timing is the same but I did detect a definite difference.
So that being said, how do you guys learn to get in on people? When they’re nuts at the lower PP it’s easier to just let them make mistakes but if I go against a grappler or a determined zoner I’m not sure how to get in and get figure the way in yet. I’ve got nothing reliable against fireballs.
Hey guys,
Is it still possible to tk Cammy’s Cannon Strike?
I’ve been messing around with it for awhile and am just unsure if I have the timing wrong or if it’s even possible.

Hey guys,
Is it still possible to tk Cammy’s Cannon Strike?
I’ve been messing around with it for awhile and am just unsure if I have the timing wrong or if it’s even possible.
In the traditional sense of tiger knee, no it is not possible.
Cammy’s divekick has a minimum height restriction. If you do the motion as fast as possible you’ll get an air normal; you need to do the motion and wait after the jump until you hit the right jump height before hitting kick. You’ll have to find the easiest way to do it, you can either try to time the delayed tiger knee or you can just jump and then do the input.
BTW the height is approximately when cammy is at chest or head height ish on a standing character.
Edit: I am not sure if EX have the same height restriction or not.
Instant air cannon strike IS possible, but it’s harder to do. The minimum height limit makes it so that your initial joystick motion must be within a certain number of frames otherwise the game will not associate the inputs with the button press when you try to do the cannon strike.
Also the EXmothon has a much lower height restriction and is just as easy as the tk motions from sf4.
I’ve been practicing the IA cannon strike the past few days and I can say in the beginning it was nigh impossible, but now I can get it more consistently. Still at about 60%
do you have a video of what the IA cannon strike looks like?
Yeah, sure, here ya go guys:

Yeah, sure, here ya go guys:
Woah I definitely need to practice this, so deep.
Thanks East. Is this plus on hit and block? I’m not having much success with hk divekick.

Thanks East. Is this plus on hit and block? I’m not having much success with hk divekick.
It depends on how high you hit them. Yeah, it is hard. I still haven’t completely gotten the muscle memory for it.
What’s the purpose of cannon strike, what is it useful for? I’ve been trying to incorporate it into my game because I see a lot of Cammy players (who are all much better than I am!) using it fairly regularly. The V-trigger version seems useful because you have stuff you can do if you hit but the regular version seems so hard to get anything useful as a follow up. Is it to simply close distance is a relatively safe way?
I had a little practice trying to do the instant EX cannon strike and went from thinking it was impossible to pulling it off a few times, a way off before I’ll actually attempt it in a match but what are the advantages you gain from doing this? A quick way to punish down-backers?

I don’t know if people are interested int his or how many PC players we have here.
But I leave the link to my Steamguide here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=628525053
It’s also linked in my signature, I hope this will help some people.
Pretty good guide you got there
I am having trouble with the Ken and Ryu match up. What type of mind set should I have when I am playing against those characters?
Any tips for doing instant air cannon strike? I can do it no problem in sf4 but I can not get it to come out in V.

I am having trouble with the Ken and Ryu match up. What type of mind set should I have when I am playing against those characters?
I just play footsies with standing medium kick and bait fireballs with vskill, its plus on block and leads to great pressure, or ex spiral arrow/ v trigger spiral arrow all projectile invincible. Then when you get in pressure with a standing medium punch - crouching mp frame trap or jab target combo frame trap. That and wait for the wake up dp after knockdown. block and crush counter punish.
Thank you this is much appreciated.