Evo West is approaching in about two weeks so now that school is over for everyone, I know you cvs2 players are fiending for comp. So this the deal, when are you guys ready to play? This week I work alot BUT since I know how gamers schedules usually go, I’m availible starting at 11pm on Monday, Tues, Wed, and Free on Thursday. Anyone who wants to play POST UP IN THIS BITCH. We need to combine forces to take apart USA’s biggest CvS2 threat. Keith Hoe. Remember. If Keith loses, WE ALL WIN.
Kim, I dont know if I can practice with you before evo(the tthing we discussed). I’d like to get some good practice with some players(especially you) so i’ll try to plan something out… I’m mad serious about CVS2 right now. Schools out for me wednesday.
This thursday? I’ll see if i can, it’s a pain for him though cuz he’s gotta drive up and down and all that. I’ll try make it thursday. If not, I’ll try to get down there before evo west to get some good practice. I’ll post what’s up.
i got the only friends i need, Blanka sagat rolento and blockbuster. Keep out of my life keith. This is the last warning I’m goin to give you or im going to fart on your toothbrush.