Spent an hour last night trying to fadc+ultra with ryu and i just couldn’t do it…
I LOVE the SF4 player in HDR land rage outs, seriously, makes my day everytime.
I get sooooooo much Guile hate from SF4 players, true story, fun stuff. ;p
Scrubby SF4 player = mentally deficient. I’m sorry but 4 players who come over to HDR are caught off guard by the speed and the fact that you actually have to OUT THINK you’re opponent when you’re not just superior. Now high level SF4 play has tons and tons of smart play, at a high level SF4 can even be enjoyable to watch (except for the fact that there are what, 5 really viable characters at the highest levels of play?) but the majority of players know their BnB combo and if they can’t land their 17 hit combo which totally pwnz the noobz dawg. They know nothing of patience.
I love to beat someone using nothing more than cr. mk with Cammy. I won’t do a single other thing all round, but they’ll keep putting themselves into poke range, and I’ll be patient and exploit the hole and they get all pissy… SF4 tweens FTL. HDR level thinking FTW.
Oh random rant… forget using Starcraft as a model for game theory (If you haven’t seen it, youtube the video for the first lecture… (Sirlin talking about Yomi… priceless), high level HDR could totally be used as a really solid example of individual choice theory when compounded by pressure and imperfect information… okay Econ rant done.
Oh yeah, and I need to join the WWL league for season 2…
Pre-Warzone HDR Tourney
All right you So’Cal heads, let’s come out in full force for yet another HDR gala. This will be a pre-Warzone tourney of sorts. If needed, my bro & I will bring our 360 along with an Asus.
Here’s a link to the thread:
This will be held in Walnut, CA (aka, right next to Evo’s old home at Cal Poly) on March 20th. And for those of you that do care…it will be on WIDESCREEN :wgrin: (I had to say that)
I better get practicing on WIDESCREEN settings then! hahahahha
See you guys at Warzone! Will be good to kick it again!
Were we talking about fighting games or sexuality? :lol:
Hey Guys,
I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be canceling the HDR portion of the tourney this Saturday in Walnut. Many of the usual regulars had stuff come up at the last minute. Hopefully the HDR scene can support RaYzYrbYrn’s next Burnt Toast tourney in the near future. Apologies again guys.
i was pretty dissapointed about the HDR being cancelled. so i went to AI and fooled around on the ST cab there. fun stuff. my first time on a ST cab since the 90’s probably…