if you live in socal you should try your best to make it out. matches are recorded. everyone is chill and loves to talk about hdr so come out and make some new friends! i’m offering to drive without charging gas money so hit me up to save gas and to have some fun.
This is why Blizzard is so amazing. They host Battle.Net for Starcraft/Warcraft III out of their own profits (though WoW probably has paid for all of BNet). They patch those games for free (including balance changes, bug removal, and adding new features). And those patches are still coming years after those games have been released (SC came out in March of 1998, latest patch was January of 2009).
Capcom can’t even be bothered to patch HDR, a game that’s less than a year old, and still has some major issues with it (bugs, glitches, etc.).
See this question makes me want to go gather the data and run econometric analysis on these types of problems to see if there is such a model that could be successful. But, I AM an academic, and if the results weren’t good, I’d have to report those too, and that data could break my heart too much…
Too many things I love are under attack. I mean people are bashing economists, HDR is being bashed as an all but dead game to the fighting game community, next I’m expecting Peyton Manning to get broken in half and the Colts to suck… It would be my luck lately…
Nonono, Blizzard sucks. Sure, they patch the games, but they do it is such a so wrong and absurdly stupid way one just wishes they ever do it again, cos they just know it is only getting worse. Really, I have wasted a couple of years of my life (maybe more) playing Diablo II in Bnet. A PvM game, nothing too mean to balance, they only needed to allow characters to kill monsters with the appropriate skills. No, they have failed to patch a PvM game 13 times. Miserably.
They pretty much made a game that would reward cheating in almost every way. When it was not enough, they made it so people who duped items could trigger some “realm event,” that would give them even more powerful items, to as many characters they could get in a game in the same server (yeah, it should be called a “server event”, but fuck it).
Acceptable items were fucking rare, and some classes or builds needed them bad to even be able to kill. But they could not kill due to not having such items in the first place. If did not have them, fine, you can engage in utter annoying boss runs, which they decided to make harder just so players who cheated (map hack) would do them anyway, but whoever depended on skill and experience would be at risk.
But the word is balance, and that is where they managed to fuck up the most. Or maybe it was the items, who knows, it was all so stupid. But anyway their idea of balance would be select some skills among the most effective ones, boost them even more, then select a couple and nerf it so they get like shit. Examples: the best paladin skill in patch 08 was blessed hammer. The level 30 one was heaven’s fist, which they made crappier and crappier, so at a certain patch they simple made blessed hammer the strongest skill in the game, and to make it worse added some seemingly impossible-to-get item which would allow paladins to teleport all around. You don’t like duping? Screw you, create a sorceress if you want teleport. Other example, whirlwind. The best skill for barbarians. It already wouldn’t kill without a good weapon - which was very hard to get - but eventually it could get good. They eventually nerfed it increasing the attack rate and decreasing damage. Voila: you use the skill 10 times and need to get back to town to fix your weapons, so they don’t break. Or don’t bother: you can not kill anything anyway.
I have no doubt the very first thing Blizzard would add to SF2, would they get the rights, is make claw’s wall dive knock down again, but the range would be the whole screen. Boxers punches would certainly knock down. The normal ones. Other change is to add a saliva pond in the game. Whenever you play with no turbo buttons and macros activated, the game spits on your face. They are that stupid, really. Or they just select people who have no idea about the game they are working on. Or maybe they let the ones who hate the game patch it. Not sure, really. They can’t fix a player vs monster game, nothing else needs to be said.
I really don’t understand this. HDR still has a totally vibrant online community (on XBL anyways). It’s not dead, not even close. It’s been a year since it came out and i still can get on it any time day or night and get a game with playable ping against largely good quality opponents. Tons of fighting games die way quicker than that online. The only players who i don’t see on HDR anymore are the scrub community whose numbers naturally fall off after a couple of months when the next big FPS or whatever hits the shelves, and this is a good thing.
My money says HDR will be around for a lot longer than some people are giving it credit. The biggest issue with it’s longevity is that the XBox 360 will have to pass the torch to the next generation console after a couple of years and there’s no guarantee of any arcade titles being back compatible on whatever that is. Back compatibility on new consoles should be given way more priority than it currently is. I would give my left nut for a hard copy or a PC release of HDR, but that just ain’t gonna happen. It’s destined to become a “cult classic” when the 360 dies off in popularity, sure, but i really don’t think it’s going anywhere for a while yet.
EXCUSE ME? We are NOT all wanna be mathematicians. I study Public Choice Theory. I am a social scientist. NOT a mathematician. (Although admittedly about half of our department here has at least an M.A. in Mathematics… It’s a sad commentary on my profession… Math is great, Math is wonderful, I believe in Utility Maximization Theory and the Rational Choice Model with caveats but geez…)
Yes this is true. For the most part you can find a decent match anytime. But I don’t think that’s what this thread is about. I don’t think its about having a game where people play and have fun, I think its about making this a game that people take seriously and want to make competitive. That is where this game has fallen short and I think that’s where much of our discussion needs to be. What vehicle can we build that will bring competitive fighting gamers back to HDR as a serious game that stands on its own merits rather than being the ‘also ran’ of SF4?
Personally, I think alot of this discussion has been too centric on what other games have and what HDR doesn’t or what not when we can be talking about what steps need to happen to make our goal attainable. I think it comes down to a couple things.
1.) Organization - An event organization or commission that would maintain records, the rules, organize events, and ensure fair play.
2.) Revenue - The organization would need to find some way to generate revenue so that there could be some form of payment / prize to players across events. This means that you would also need to ensure that some events would possibly be designed for players below a certain threshold in order to ensure that they weren’t simply ‘free’ donations to a prize pot.
3.) Community - The community would have to agree on one organization and agree to play by its rules. This is a marketplace that can not afford any degree of fragmentation. The difficulty is that there has already been fragmentation through the very process of game evolution. Therefore, you would need to agree on a standard, have all players accept it, and embracing it. That would mean that everyone would have to come on board and say HDR is the definitive version of SF2. It would mean that we would have to start developing HDR-Centric Information Centers and Hubs (Some of this is being done). It would mean that players would have to put all their matches together and create a library of matches that can be viewed easily. There are TONS of things that the Community of players would have to agree to, concede to, and sacrifice in order to make that work.
I feel that if HDR can’t accomplish the creation / editing of these three things, than the goal of this thread is a pipe dream. If it CAN be built and this community is ready to go through the growing pains and frustration of re-building a business from the ground up, than I feel it can still be successful.
Bruce you need to get a stick again so you can play HD again and we can have our chun vs deejay epic battles
Oh yea if your anywhere near so cal area there should be no reason why you guys shouldn’t make it to Denjin for some HD Remix RanBats i Drive 3hours away to host these at denjin and love the game to death so please keep this alive!
Those matches were epic indeed. Shit was always going down to the wire. And yeah I was finally able to afford to ship my stick out for repairs. I should be back in action next week :woot:.
3 hours? You guys are hardcore. I only live like 1 1/2 hours away from Denjin but I have no car :sad:.
If a patch were to come out, I’d want to only have a few guarantees:
Fix all the dumb network problems on the PS3 version.
Fix other dumb, obvious bugs, like button config problems.
Nerf Akuma. I don’t care how, just nerf him. I’d even air on the side of caution and potential make him suck. I just hate having the concept of a character who is ban-worthy selectable on an online game. Even if he kinda sucked, we’ve seen how good people can get with characters who kinda suck.
If somehow we were given a way to voice our opinion on things to balance, we should only do VERY small tweaks. No major changes, and no one will agree 100% on ANYTHING. Any suggestion given here will be fought. But if we can do some of the things that MOST people agree on, that might not be so bad. I mean, that will be really hard to come to a conclusion, but from what I’ve gathered, a few of these sound like stuff most people agree on: remove Stored Oicho, revert Cammy’s Jumping Strong, make Fei Long’s Roundhouse and Forward Chicken Wings have their original recovery times, give Hawk both Dives, etc. But even those are in contention.
Akuma, Working button config would be good, pc release would be huge.
The way to get HDR patched is the same way that it got created, continue to build a community, and at the same time get people from our community in positions where they can recommend such changes.
Right now SFHD is in a unique position, it’s effect on the scene is probably the biggest ever EXCEPT for SF4 which happened to be released right after. Sometimes its tough to keep a god game going in the face of a newer release. But there have been situations like this before, CS and CS:Source, SF2 and SFA, SF2 and SF3, SF2 and SF4…