after they started playing for buttons at the home games :looney:
he might be counting each one as a money match.
Weak at not playing for spots, but I know time is a factor… But anyways, good luck guys!
3s time is too good! own that shit guys!!! :lovin:
i’m going to solo this tourney and win all the mONEys BOHAHAHAHHA
we played for spots last night, GGs.
pls, aznmnky = choirboi
that trophy idea doubled or even tripled the outcome.
cause now there is something physical and real to play for.
bring that shit HOME.
this isnt about north or south.
its about the west being the best.
the tree smokers are gonna take all the games anyways.
everyone else is just filler.
yeah i wonder who has the hook up on treez down there… >_>
who said that
its that guy who i can’t put a face to!:looney:
is this true??? so no RR @ denjin??? you guys played at sfsu???