like i said ppl…go to johnson’s house…he’ll supply the tv, the ps2, the instant noodle and tonic water. i love his tonic water. sometimes…he gives out milk. it’s a fighters’ paradise…
guys…i’m coming back in a month…to visit the old gang…
then rape the old gang…
actually, i don’t know about 3s anymore. after losing 30 to a yun, i just don’t know anymore. i should just not travel 3 hrs and get raped for 30 games in a row next time…that’s not cool…
Anyhow this is Jeff. Guy that uses Eddie mostly in GGXX. I’d be down for a 3s session. I haven’t played any fighting games since…oh since maybe this last summer…
I’ve completely forgotten about this forum. WoW, real life, and snowboarding owns up most of my spare time these days…when it’s not consumed by work and the GF.
Shot in the dark here, but anyone willing to sell an arcade joystick? I’m in the market for two of them. Probably the worst place to ask, considering anyone who reads this will want to keep it.
I already have one for PS1. It gets all wonky and messed up when I use it for PS2 (buttons changed, strong makes the character walk backward, etc) plus the 2P start-select buttons are in the WORST place ever. I literally removed them so I wouldn’t pause the game everytime I tried to do something.
So anyhow, yeah, I already have one. I’m not fond of japanese style sticks anyhow, I’m looking for a HAPP stick.
I’m willing to drop up to 200$ per stick, I just figured I’d check here first to save myself some time on shipping just in case.
There is literally no competition around any more in Calgary and you are willing to drop off $200 per joystick!??? Better find some other way to use that money.
But I DO have peeps willing to play old-school with stick (one of them is for him). We are accustomed to playing with sticks on a regular basis, and since we’ve come here, we’re having serious withdrawl. We used to have regular house sessions weekly, but since I don’t know this johnson guy you speak of…
So, yeah, we’re getting some sticks to play some SF. Regardless of how much you guys want to play or not haha.
EDIT: accidentally posted a bzillion times during SRK’s midnight lag
Best Kind Boxer: I believe it was you who I played tonight in 3s right?..
Just wanted to say GOOD GAMES !!
It was nice playing new faces on the 3s machine… especially decent players such as yourself.
I’m also starting to play MvC2 (sentinel, strider, doom). But DAAMMN… it’s expensive at $1 a game… just 3 days ago it was on 2 for 1 too !.. but the douchebags at the cove keep changing it back! … Bah
Good games to you too. My partitioning was all crap, and I missed everything, but that’s no excuse, I suck lol Although I’ll take it as a compliment that I was recognized as “that urien player” lol
I am seriously starting to hate makoto haha. I have NO idea what to do upclose. Nothing. I have no idea. I’m resorting to dragon punches and sacrifice-headbutts and whatnot to get you the fuck off of me or at least get some breathing room. It was a good learning experience.
But all the same, you better watch your pattern. The jump back RH, then dash up might get you in some shit. Maybe not against me, but i can see myself using dash-then-RHtackle at the start of the round because you always jump back haha. All I’m saying is, that while it IS a good defensive wall, it might get you in trouble in the future (once I parry the j.RH and get in). Don’t get too comfortable! haha
On the whole, I’ve found most of the Calgary players I’ve played to be really defensive and jump-back-ish anyhow, especially in Cvs2 (except m4rk :)). Maybe because I’m a console player and dont worry about the $$? I dunno.
Anyhow, that’s why some of your dash-ins were met with supers. Maybe you can bait them next time? Good games though. You’re the first makoto I played that knew what they were doing. It was nice. Your combos were spot on.
Didn’t you perfect my akuma??? lol
Also, good games to the dude who played me in CvS2 (the same dude who completely raped me in MvC2 earlier). I’ve never played against a Vega before. I’m slowly learning to hate him haha. Good moves.
Oh yeah, anyone willing to sell a CvS2 for PS2? I went to EB to find one but they didn’t have one. I want to brush up.
Anyone going tomorrow? Or am I wasting my time and $$?
ummm… next time i could reach the cove is like… sometime around the lunch hour during the week, considering i do my work/readings at home the night before
That’s a good point!.. I certainly do not like to eat supers. I guess that pattern has developed through instinct and since I play the same 4 people all the time, it seems to work on them but it probably won’t keep me winning in the long run.
I’ll have to watch out for that next time.
There’s probably tons of other problems with the way I play … I’m still fairly new to it… been playin 3s for about a year and a 1/2 at most.
And as for beating Makoto? … well the only thing I can suggest is to get really awesome at parrying… I’m not big into strategy against my only char hahaha.
Next time I go to the cove is probably monday between 11 and 1. I’d go on saturday night (tonight) but it’s already too late to round more people up. And you know how the cove is with their bullshit quota of people for a certain machine. And when there’s just 5 people to one machine… They’re still hesitant to opening it… Like what the fuck?:annoy: … that’s $50! Sadly… that’s also 90% of the 3s scene. But how much would they make on 3s if business ran as usual? They should consider it lucky if there’s like 3 of us there willing to drop 10 each to play all night.
I got beasted on today by some dude named Byron or something in CvS2?
Never played against a guy who could roll cancel everything. It was sweet. Can someone tell me where I can get a copy of CvS2? I really need to brush up apparently. haha
Tomorrow anyone? Is there any chance of this saturday night thing ever happenning again? Or should I start a new thread with a different title? haha :looney: