it was pretty dead… did everybody come early? cause i got to the cove pretty late
I got sidetracked by a buddy who just got into town.
Sounds like I didn’t miss much tho
- I’m in
- ~cough~ :wgrin:
- How fast we forgot :sad:
trung man…you stopped playing a yr ago…i didn’t forget you…but you gotta come back and beat the newbies for real…i keep telling ppl about how dangerous yun is and they’ve never seen a yun dominating…so don’t blame me for forgetting yo
bring your ass to the cove…rape a couple newbies for perfects (i had lots of fun doing that)…and fight johnson for real challenge.
If he perfects me, I’ll pay for his game. lol
so its a GO HEAD!
ill be in calgary around midnight friday night.
Ill be there till about sunday afternoon i think.
Hey trung. Would u be able to hook me up wit a hotel room deal at your gfs job?
If someone wants to pm me their number that would be great. Iam up for doing nothing but gaming for those 2 days that iam there. So just let me know what times to be there. LEts try to like make it a all day thing even though i know u guys have your own lives… i dont know, my gfs done her shit after like 4pm… so i might not be able to stay too late because i think she’ll want to do some “relationship” things… I want to PLAY GAMES.
so in short, iam coming to calgary this SATURDAY. (friday night)should i bring my mas stick for ps2?
She doesn’t work there anymore. But if you need a MRI let me know :wgrin:
u mean a magnetic resonance imaging! I am not that sick. Well if anyone has a hook up for a hotel that would be hot.
hey iam going to go to the cove around noon.
so saturday after noon. If anyone can make it out, plz come out.
damn, i have work on saturday
earliest i can come is at 8 or so… but i don’t think anybody is gonna be there
apparently ill be there that early.
dont want to rent a room the second we get into town cause we would have to pay for 2 nights. SO while the gfs at work, ill be at the cove till whenever.
do u play cvs or 3s?
if your still at the cove, i’m in for couple games of 3s and foosball… but i’m guessing no one here plays foos :wasted:
I’ll be there, and I’ll play you in both games. Take it easy on me in CvS2, I haven’t really played in over a year. haha But give me your worst in 3S! I really need to learn how to fight Makoto, if you kick my ass you’ll be doing me a favour.
I might not be there at exactly 12 though. maybe 1-2. Hangovers are a bitch.
all good.
just glad to see some peeps be coming out.
hey whos the best cvs player in calg?
Bring him out also. JJ nolonger really plays cvs… actually noone here does except calvin and bora along wit joe. Ya our scenes really died out.
boxer guy: Ill try to use makoto, its been a long time since ive actually played this game… just about since evo… i maybe abit rusty, but ill use alot of characters.
I don’t care who you use, I’m rusty as fuck too. Comp is so scarce it seems, so I’m just glad that somone will actually PLAY. The perfect = free game deal still stands lol
m4rk should call in sick to work. I’ll make it worth you while in the lounge haha
i would call in sick since i didn’t take any sick days since i started… but the store is short staffed… so yeah
but i was at the cove today around 4-7… no one was there on 3s :sad: … but mvc2 and cvs2 seems to always have people playing it :wasted:
sorry guys cant make it.
Had to take my gf into the hospital this morning around 2am… luckly it was nothing serious, but it seems like were going to be spending the next few days here in Etown.
fuck am really sorry, but u know, life before games.
I hope your GF is ok. People were talking about your visit at the cove tonight, but yeah, shit happens.
There were actually some people there tonight. 3 dudes playing marvel. I haven’t seen people play marvel like that before, it was nice. I got fucking RAPED. It would’ve been a perfect, but i traded a a short kick. :looney: I officially suck at MvC2 haha.
But I landed four tackles in a row, and pulled off a bunch of tachi gigas in 3S, so I’m happy.
This saturday night special thing needs to happen again. Paying a dollar a game is really hard on the wallet.
management at cove is fucking stupid as ever now, I don’t know if anyone will deal with them for setting up the game nights again.
It was hard enough for ian dealing with whats his name now some dumb bitch who left 2 games broken since the summer?
Also having cards for wangan (maximum tune) boxes of them but not putting it into the machine? Stupid.
Hahaha… Don’t expect much to happen with the cove. Especially since the fighting game scene is really dying here in Calgary.
2 games were broken since summer… Now that’s funny.
Also, true that I am not going to deal with the Saturday night event as it is WAY TOO MUCH of a hassle plus I am pretty much completely retire from the fighting games scene.
Best kind Boxer,
If you think paying a dollar/game is tough on the wallet… I remember there were times when we had the Saturday night event and everyone paid ten dollars to find out some of the games were broken… now that’s tougher on the wallet.
we should just bring some TVs and consoles and set them up at the tables:rofl: