I have come to the conclusion that calgary is the laughing stock of the canadian cities. Vancover is getting respect, Edmonton is respect, T-dot is getting respect, fuck even winipeg is getting some respect. every city but this city is starting to get respect. and why is that? we got good players, thats not the problem, i think our problem is that we jsut dont get enough big game action. so i think we should kick start our scene with a tournement. and instead of going big and inviting all the cities, i say we try to make a tourney were 99% of the players live in this city, that way we can kfind out whos best in the city and who needs to get better. now i dont know how to orginze a tourney, but i bet someone in this town could do it. so thats whats going on in my mind, i want to play at a more competive level and i think some others want to as well. and we can play it in all the games 3s, mvc2,cvs2…fuck ggxx if thats what people really want. even if we have to play soul calibur 2 ill start playing that again.
but to say the least lets try to keep this fourm going, lets not just post when we’re going to play but also when we want tourneys. and for god sakes lets start flaming some people. wether its our own people or people from other places, lets shake things up abit…now i jsut woke up and im going to go get some food. someone reply to this.
wong out.