The dynamic aspects of the nemesis system to Shadows or Mordor was cool but the appeal only worked for the first bit of the game. Once they made you repeat it at a different location it quickly wore off since they didn’t add anything new besides ramping up the difficulty slightly. It seemed like a good starting point for the game engine and basic aspects but a good expansion to it would be nice.
i wasn’t a fan of the tomb raider reboot, the plot tried to convince you it was super serious at all the wrong (often comically wrong) times. normally i just ignore the plot and focus on the gameplay but it was really tough with tomb raider since they just didn’t create a believable world for me. i might play rise of the tomb raider when it’s cheap but i’m taking a pass for now
uncharted 2 is great but i wouldn’t be surprised to find it hasn’t aged well
i got xenoblade X for christmas, so that’ll be next on my list. looking forward to the witness in late january; if it’s good i’ll pick it up because i like myst-like puzzle games, especially thought-provoking, unique ones.
playing rocket league daily still. that game is amazing and has really hooked me as my go-to destresser game. once you get good, it’s super easy to just play a handful of games while you let your mind wander.
also playing shadow complex HD on PC. the character models are goofy and the voice acting and plot is super silly, but exploring the map is still fun. almost at 100% completion there.
and of course, KI work which is neverending. i like this game a lot but it feels like a job to me now. makes it hard to even just enjoy the game sometimes. season 3 launches in march and oy vey that will be a lot of work for me
SFV next month but i’m still up in the air about it, both as a game and if i’ll make content for it
also feel like my life is making a weird shift, my primary friend circle (both in the fgc and outside it) could undergo change and i’m just p unsettled about a lot of stuff these days. hard to sleep at times. i’m bad at shifts.
My resolution is to play a shiiiiiiiiit load of drums
Basically I understand my purpose in life which is to be an amazing drummer
I think I found someone who can teach me RN which would be nice, always helps to have someone giving you stuff to work on and telling you why you suck
Also second the taking better care of myself
I would love to stop bartending somehow seeing as i’m tired of working weekends all the time
Dat money tho…
RN I’m just fuckn about w Bloodborne. I’m gonna platinum it.
Also I think I’m gonna unsub from FFXIV for a while. Take a big break til another xpac maybe. Just found I was getting sucked into the MMOisms too much. Dailies, etc.
i was kind of let down when i didnt get the best gun for that final dungeon on my first playthrough and it was nightmarishly hard, I don’t think I even beat it.
if you like his style I suggest Ika-Chan, a pretty short game made by the same dev, its nowhere near as great as cave story but its a pleasant little journey