Calgary Thread 2012

Ling, Xiayou, Juri, Vega, Balrog, Law, Paul all confirmed for SFxT


Cody’s not in… remember, in that trailer they said “I guess we missed the fun!”

i’m playing king of fighters. fuck this.

Which could mean Guy and Cody will be added late as DLC!

I’m always hype for SFxT.
Ling, Juri and Law look interesting for sure, but I’ll just wait to see who works best with Kazuya.

Also, my Penny Arcade card game came in yesterday so we can play this weekend.

which begs to differ, who the hell are the boss characters???
was bison 100% confirmed?

thats amazing news. Paul announced, now they just have to announce Akuma and my team is set.
im sorry ken masters, i never meant to make your kara whiff
im sorry ken masters, i apologized a trillion times.

Bison and Jin are more or less guaranteed to be in it as well. And if there’s 3 mishimas, there’ll be 3 shotos, so throw in Akuma in that mix.

For some reason I’m not even the least hyped about this game. I was actually more hyped about Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution then this game. I dunno what it is. Too much saturation?

Juri ehh? There’s still hope for Hakan yet!!

At least Jamie will be happy with Vega… :slight_smile:

so angry right now.

you should just do that anyway


Jamie & Thuyet must be super happy hah

Shadowloo thugs r boss. Of course they b in. :smiley:

Hey at least your character had a chance Derryk. Capcom hates Mexicans, my character never had a chance…plus the whole world hates Fuerte

meh, let us bask in the glory that is the true ultimate fighting game forever
Street Fighter IV
where criminals, mexicans and oil wrestlers are free to roam
and where there is no transvestites

Is that all the characters in sfxtekken that they will announce??

No, there will be more. Still hoping for some of the cool newer Tekken characters like Miguel and Zafina.

I cant believe Pacman and Megaman actually made it in though.

Cmon Sodom.
I want to Sodomize everybody. :sunglasses:

i dont think i could be any more underwhelmed with sfxt. even with the annoucement that my 2 mains are in the game, i still dont give a fuck :confused:

thank god for kof. maybe thats why i dont care? i dunno, the game hasnt really interested me since like the original annoucement. the game was meh fun to try at evo, but it was only ok there, and basically everything they’ve announced since then has made me look forward to this game less and less. I’m probably gonna pass on buying it and only just dick around at tubbies

p.s everyone who fancies king of fighters should go immediately register at and read up there. The sheer amount of knowledge on that site is staggering and apart from the threads designated to them(which are started and mostly filled by srk posters), constant discussion about tiers and other nonsense is almost non-existant. the character subforums are either empty(rare, ralph, a supposed bottom tier char, has probably the best I’ve seen) or totally full of really helpful information

The only thing missing is frame data :*(

I’d rather learn kof without that website actually. Learning all by oneself is too fun to let go.

in all honesty, i’m on the same page as foger.
i’ll play SFxT but IV is still my game, i love that shit.
unless it is reeeeeeaaaallly fun to play i’m not that interested.

besides, diablo 3 is coming out in like two weeks. haha.