Calgary Thread 2012

Fuck fun. Fun isn’t worth shit if you don’t get your e-cred up. All you scrubs need to check yourself.

Let me just get this out of the way, playing LoL is fine, if your friends play it that’s cool, I just think that there are a lot of bad things about the game compared to HoN. Not that HoN is perfect, the metagame right now is super boring right now unless Magebane and some other carries get banned in picks. Also, I really like the buffs you get from jungle creeps, I think that’s a cool Idea, plus having 2 Roshan/Kongor type dudes on the map, that’s pretty sweet.

Now time to shit on the game. Flash was one of the first things I noticed and just went “Huh? Why is that an ability that everyone can have to start off?” Portal Key/Blink Dagger is probably the most important item in HoN because it grants you that ability. The idea of just everyone starting off with it is completely retarded. I’ve watched some high-level LoL and it is so fucking boring. First blood usually doesn’t happen until 15 minutes into the game. The combination of everyone having a blink and there being no denies means that you really have no effect on the other person laning, or at least that’s what it looks like to me. It just seems really hard to punish people for mistakes in LoL compared to HoN, and the farming leads to what I think is a much more boring end-game. Also, why is it so slow? If people at least could move decently fast then the blink wouldn’t be as big of an issue, but everyone just waddles around like a year old baby. I won’t get into the purchasing heroes thing because that’s a whole other can of worms (plus they are doing it in HoN now which I am not happy about).

I do understand why LoL appeals to a wider audience because it is less punishing, but I just wish someone would figure out how to let new players get accustomed to the game without dumbing it down to a huge degree. This is what I’m really curious about for DoTA 2. I think that LoL will be the more popular game if Valve/Icefrog doesn’t figure out a way to ease people into the game. It is definitely the biggest drawback of the genre, and I don’t know of an easy solution to the problem.

just play ms. pacman and donkey kong.
those games are legit.
do it and you’ll get cheerleader babes. like these cool guys did:

Two of those dudes are from Calgary. I believe both of them are in there, I couldn’t point them out to you.

lol wtf, I thought I was the only one to go on those crazy LoL vs. HoN rants.

LoL is fun because the player base is huge and a lot of my friends play it. But from a competitive standpoint, HoN is way better. I’m not particularly good at HoN, but I think it really rewards the more skilled player/team (I bounce from 1650 to 1750, depening on how often I solo lol).

Darren Olsen & Kent Ferries… I think only one of them is is in the pic (Darren). He’s the dude to the immediate left of Billy Mitchell.

He later changed his name to Chris Steele, because he “thought it sounded cool”. I can respect that in a oh-my-god-you’re-retarded way. He now runs the local Computer Trends stores.

haha, cool
my best guess are the two beardos. because beards signify a real man.

i think the guy on the furthest right (DK champ), the other guy was a really unassuming nerd IIRC so it’s hard to spot him there.

there was marvel at tubbies yesterday and we have lots of fun, stop crying andrew

damn why did blondie get so much facetime in TKOK

All of those cheerleaders except the middle one are busted, yikes

P.s there is no stopping billy kane

P.p.s if you were a prodigal donkey kong player you too might feel an ego boost large enough to change your name into something badass. Chuck steel sounds like a male romance novel pen name though :confused:

Those guys aren’t all Donkey Kong players. I think Darren had the record for Track & Field or something at the time. I know the dude next to him, not Billy, is the Frogger champ.

If you guys liked The King of Kong you should really watch Chasing Ghosts. Although it is less of a narrative film (and this raises some issues about TKOK as a documentary and how much editing played a part in the actual Steve/Billy rivalry), I think it is the better of the two movies. For a movie about classic video game champs it’s pretty dark and depressing, I think it gives a much more honest portrayal than TKOK and some of the people in the movie, and in that picture, are just batshit crazy.

First vids out including the awesome Soul Calibur narrator guy! He’s by far the best part of that whole series. Over a decade later and he still doesn’t make any sense! So awesome.


… wait… what?

i’m kinda pumped for SC5.

TKOK is good if you want a feel-good movie, they make Billy into a pretty incredible villain. Chasing Ghosts is just bizarre and hilarious.

Someone smart who can help me like Falken or Ricky or Tyler or Daniel
what in the fuck does Guile need to do against Balrog? I just can’t fathom that match

"Nothing… is " “Battle 2. Fight!”

I’m maining Ezio for sure. Vittoria agli Assassini!

Btw I was pretty excited when an arranged version of Venice Rooftops played in the second video.

I’m not smart, but I’ll try to help. First of all, what part of the match-up are you having a problem with Andy? Are you blocking his jumps and are getting bullied by his jabs? Are you eating too much chip and are getting countered out of your SB by his dash straight? Is it his EX?

the jab, dash straight but most annoyingly the dash EXes

SCV looks so amazing. I plan to face-roll with Astaroth, or Tira if I feel like using my brain. Ezio’s animations are ridicu-beautiful though.

My friends and I used to play a drinking game where we’d have to try and explain in an acceptable way, during a match, what the fuck narrator guy was talking about at the intro of that fight.

i used to play drink a shot of jagermeister for every fight you lost.
with the one that was out during the Tekken 4 era (when I was in college).

…fuck i’m old.

Drink 2 if you get ring outted like a chump ;).

It’s bad for Guile IIRC? He can position himself well for trades/EX dash punches against booms, his wonky hitbox also makes him more difficult to jump in on and land a damaging combo, not mentioning his strong AA.

So keep out of the ranges he can exploit, sit on flash kick if you see EX that isn’t a headbutt, find your proper AA for Balrog j Fierce/Roundhouse, abuse lows on his wakeup when he doesn’t have meter, and practice defense- since you WILL get knocked down so don’t eat a dumb frametrap or a tic setup.