cactus planet

Shoultzula can be found for saying that Amingo/Tron doesn’t need an aa and then again for saying that they do. I understand where he is coming from being that it is totally situational but it is kinda funny when you read his sum posts about it lol Thanks for the assist though.

Deathfist had an interesting method of introducing the point to you early, and then letting you apply it in his situation when he talked about it later, so it caught me off a bit. I gotcha.


I fucked up the wording. Basically, I said to myself that the next time he got that close to me on the ground I’d block low and burn any triangle jump with the vine super. This is one of those rare situations where having a decent Magneto can blow up in your face. He leaves the ground, you super, he flies into it. OUCH.

Had he actually been a shitty Magneto that can’t triangle jump than it might have been blocked, or he’d airdash somewhere else to land faster endangering Amingo as the vine super misses. [Oh well, DHC to Sentinel…].

I edited the post to reflect this.

It’s not that serious, I was just confused and making sure I understood. After your comment I checked out how tricky the DHC from Amingo’s qcf+:2k: to Sent’s HSF and it’s not that bad actually. It is almost the same fashion as the popular Storm>Sent DHC: just as the character’s body begins to turn over and fall downward, you DHC (of course, if your opponent doesn’t have much health left anyway just play it safe with qcf+:2p:). The only thing with Amingo is he lifts them higher so you have to pause just slightly. I’m familiar with the Storm>Sent height, so it didn’t take too long to adjust the height difference by eye. Decent damage too. With Tron-y though, the only way I would play Sent after Amingo is if I played the team as Tron-y/Amingo-B/Sent-y which I do. Good stuff.

edit: On another note, I played the Amingo/Anak and realized I wouldn’t seriously adopt the duo w/o someone along the lines of Cyclops (although other aas would work, but as a point force and basic DHC option, Cyc kinda takes the lead).

Just a minor thing… If you call an assist, you should usually use a dashing hp. It will cover your assist so that it will escape.

This is off topic. My question is if we can find a way to abuse this with Amingo.

Megaman with Jin-b assist mid-screen guardbreaking tactic [and yes, I have done this…]

1]Start charging the buster. Any amount will do as long as it’s red.
2]Opponent jumps at you.

3]Call Jin beta, and walk backwards.
If they…
-block it, buster XX Hyper-Megaman. The freeze frame traps them and they get guardbroken by the growth phase. Also, any assists are likely to get shot, miss, etc…
-get hit by Jin, you superjump and release the buster really low to the ground, and cancel it to Hyper-Megaman forcing them to block it far enough away that it combos in the air.
-If they block it, they fall out of hitstun and get shot by the hyper Megaman
-If they get hit, the charged buster will combo at a full screen’s range.
-If they take the first hit, then guardpush, odds are they’ll get shot anyways [unsure about this part…

Why am I mentioning something for Megaman-Jin in an Amingo thread? It’s simple. 2 reasons…

  1. Amingo and Jin work well together for DHC purposes.
  2. I am relatively sure you can find SOME way to do something like this with Amingo-Jin to someone [albeit not as extreme…]. My only question is how.

I know a little bit about marvel. Most of my knowledge comes from strider related material. When it comes to new characters like spidey\amingo, I’ll figure some stuff out but not all.

Amingo on point wants to use an AA but he can take the loss on that and still manage. However, you’re AA\ mid game character can’t bank on an AA so that means the mid game character must be able to use one of their normals for high priority counter hit.

after u kill a character and your in the corner do his cactus super in the corner making them block it then DHC into hsf. hsf will be unblockable.

baby cactus will not hit if opponent is in blockstun. Only unblockable grab while in blocksun is shuma’s chaos dimension super.

We’re going to be holding a tournament using NEC ruleset, which basically means tronne is banned and many other characters can’t be used on the same team.

My planned team was Amingo/Hulk/Psylocke (psylocke is so good), but I’m wondering what other team can I make using Amingo/???/Pyslocke.

Note I have no clue how to use a lot of low tier characters, but I’m thinking Venom or Anakaris will fill in quite nicely. Any ideas?

yes I know this, the gaps inbetween the hits, or if they try to duck or right as it ends is what helps.

it may no be entirely free, but it works

Death by throw cactus is amazingly fun.

We need more Amingo videos.

I think Psylocke with Hulk has a DHC for the inescapable crush. I forgot how it works, so I’ll have to experiment with it and get back to you.

Turns out that it’s with the Psylocke super that you can direct. The person has to be above Psylocke, and Psylocke has to be along the ground. When you DHC him in, it becomes a floating crush. It isn’t very stable.

You can DHC in off of Amingo’s Dancing maracas for another inescapable crush. I tried to do the butterfly super into Crush and couldn’t get it to work. I’m sure it does, but I couldn’t work it, so don’t bother with it.

You can jumping overhead with Amingo [lk and psylocke…,], land, and vine them out of the air before they hit the ground if you time it really well

One interesting DHC is overhead jumpkick UF+hk [1st hit, doable off 2], Butterfly super, Amingo Shakedown super, Gamma crush. It might be possible to double jump, hit them more, then go into the DHC combo, but at that height the difficulty skyrockets. I was going to say don’t do the doublejump combo into the DHC, but there is a safety mechanisim where you are doublejumping, so I’ll let it slide; BARELY