New stuff.
I did this on Juggs on Auto-block.
[] land, s.lp, s.lp + sent ground, sj.lp XX lk 'nade, sj.fp, juggs lands on sent’s drones and auto rolls, land, mash on s.fp…[Juggs blocks bullets]
you should be able to get 3, sometimes 4 shots out.
if you look at the block stun on jugs, you can see a block stun behind juggs and the front.
Im trying to determin which bullet hits behind juggs, since if a bullet hits the front as well as the back at the same time, both are blocked…but If I can get it to where only the back bullet hits, IRL, that’ll be harder to block…
Im testing on juggs because of his size. Timing on smaller characters will be different…
vs. sent:, s.lp, s.lp [hold forward] sj.lp, lk, lp, fp, sent lands, right before you land, sj.fp, land.
If sent is crouching, thats an overhead.
If sent [normal] jumps for any reason, thats a GB > AHVB.