C3's Dec Sat 26th VA "MOMENT OF TRUTH" tourney

its settled.

Location: The Palace
Time: 6pm Saturday - 7am Sunday


see you guys there!

Done. Let’s get this moneyyy.

done, and done.

Good shit tournament directors.


This saturday?

Also, what kind of drinks… real talk.

Hopefully I can make it, and is there room for 3s?

I think they mean Saturday, December 19th.

Man… all of the TVs at the palace lag though.

You aren’t allowed to talk unless your characters drop a tier.

MW2 team tourney. Who wants some?
Real talk, if it’s at the palace I’ll bring a crt and 360.

I love how bigaz1n is in charge all the suddun.

Hey man, I’m not playing law anymore at least

I am the puppet master and I’ve always been in charge.

all of a sudden???

he’s always been in charge. no homo.

lol I remember that. Dreamcast is lame, tourney should be bring your own arcade cab or shut up, pete :lovin:

Sunday tho…

Then bring your cab, scrub. :rofl:

Strogg bring your cab to the palace.

That’s two votes. 2-0 seems pretty free to me, so you gotta do it now, Jeremy.

Or else my 4 camels, 3 indentured servants, and 5 monkeys will fuck your shit up.

And the flock of pigeons I stole from Steve Harrison’s house.


please don’t feed them rice

I may have to if Jeremy doesn’t bring the cab…