C.Viper Trial Mode Thread (Console Version)

Just gotta say, reading through the last couple of pages in this thread, I’ll gladly trade having to do ELF’s & Gen’s Hard Trial 5 over Viper’s 5th trial. Just gotta grind through them, I guess. Almost done!

Is it at all possible to do hard trial #2 by using a EX TK? I cannot, for the life of me, cancel any of her TKs, and most of the time when I try to do LP/MP/HP xx cancel I end up doing an EX TK anyway.

It’s also possible to cheat hard trial 2. So long as you maintain a combo, the moves will light up. Went back to do them for fun recently, and for hard trial 2, i did the basic sexy combo. J.HK, c.fp, fptk feint, c.fp, ex seismo, sjc fadc mptk, ultra. Gave credit, as the required inputs were done in order, and the combo was maintained all the way through the ultra.

question about that dreaded hard trial 5, tried to find the answer in this thread but no luck in the first 10 pages so.
Up to the ex seismo and burning kick ultra is no problem. My problem comes with the hjc after the seismo. One of two things happen, either nothing at all happens or I get a high jump. What am I doing wrong? Am I inputting it too soon or too late? Or am I doing it correct and just messing up the BK input? Think I’ve read somewhere that when you get the high jump you’re doing it too late but I don’t know and it’s driving me insane. I wouldn’t have any problem correcting the timing one way or the other if I just knew what the timing was supposed to be like :-/

It’s kinda goofy, instead of doing a super jump input, just push dan into the corner and do 2147 for the burnkick motion, it’ll count it and you should be gravy.

Hard trial five isn’t anything compared to three.

yeah that’s what I’m doing, altho I’m doing 2149, but should the inputs be one fluid motion or should I wait a split second after I’ve inputted the ex seismo and input the kick just as she slams the ground or even later? That’s kinda my question. Also, to me, hard trial 3 was cake. I just went down+jab at the same time for the jab, uf, qcf+3p. I just viewed it as 2 separate combos, the jumping roundhouse, standing short for the first, then do the jab+ultra cause I practiced that a little first. Hell, I’d go as far as saying it’s the easiest of all her hard trials :-/

I’d do it as she hits the ground. also, I wouldn’t even do 9, I’d just do 7, it’ll look like a plain bk, but still count.

alrighty then, thanks, off to trial mode :smiley:

edit: AHAHAHAHA, man I am so effing stupid :smiley:
I never realized that you had to go back to neutral in order to super jump cancel so the times I connected the burning kick was purely accidental, which would explain why I was completely flabbergasted by this trial. Realized it when I practiced ex seismo xx high jump and it didn’t work, ever, when i stayed df then d,db,b,bu, so I started doing proper input, i.e going back to neutral and WHAM! Did it on the 7th try :smiley:
Thanks for the help, only “Mr. I’m older than the great wall of china” Gen left, screw you Gekiro! /superman-style away to gen trial 5!
AWAY! whoosh

Just started doing trial mode again on an alt and had probs with Trial 3 like everyone else. Finally got it when i opted for a 360+90 motion like someone else mentioned, but also realized that I do this a LOT faster on the stick when i’m facing left. First started practicing the 360+90 motion linking c.mp and c.hp (which is piss easy compared to c.lp), and then move into getting it down for just c.lp. I guess it’s just more natural for my wrist to whip it inward than it is to whip outward. I needed this motion for Ryu’s hard 2 (fa > f.hp > df d df hp > qcf qcf p; after the solar plexus hits and i can confirm the c.hp hits, i just whip the stick like crazy to the left and dp just cancels into super nicely) Just a tip for people who may have been having trouble with Viper Hard 3, try facing left and seeing if it helps.

I love this thread, got me all the way up to trial 5 with no problems. But looks like my luck is gonna end.
Which thunder knuckle gives you the most time to do another hp after canceling it? hp?

btw, wtf is with the 4 character minimum?

And probably to stop posts like "lol"
But instead you could just type "Rofl"

I thought it was medium punch thunder knuckle cancel.


You get more time to cancel into a MP knuckle feint off of a normal than a HP knuckle feint but because you opted to use a feint that requires less pin point timing to activate you are stuck in recovery from the feint for a couple frames longer. Making the timing for hitting the second HP during an FFF a bit more difficult than with a HP knuckle. Obviously FFF can be done with a MP or LP feint though and it just forces you to hit the second c.HP with a bit more precise timing as a trade off for the feint being less strict.

Yeah, my friend’s been able to get it more consistently with strong TK and I’ve been able to get it consistently with fierce TK. Like DevilJin said, it’s just a matter of timing the next cr.fierce after the feint.

After hours of trying and miss timing the ultra 4 times…I did it, I finally completed all of Ms. Viper’s Hard Trials! After hours of trying and miss timing the ultra 4 times. I also completed all the Hard Trials, collected all titles and icons in the process.

I am trying to learn viper sjc a bit for ibuki training (hp sjc ultra,cr lp sjc ultra)

I have been wondering something,for hard trial 3(and ultra combo’s), i see alot of shortcuts but i didn’t have alot of succes with them.
Then i tried :hp::qcb::qcb::ub: :3p:and from 1/10 succes i went to 7/10 succes now.
for the cr lp :db::lp::qcb::qcb::ub::3p: i had alot more succes too.
Same with combo’s like s mp into cr mp,this way i could feel the link more and just worry about the sjc after i press the normal.

Wouldn’t it be easier this way or is this for everyone different?

best way to do it is (down+whichever normal you choose, qcf, qcupfw +PPP).  Shortcuts are cool and all, but if you really want to feel confident playing a char, you should probably learn the real way.  just turn on button display and practice away ,you wont get it over night, most likely, unless someone explains it to you in person.  You have to cancel pretty fast w/ jab and short, i suggest learning w/ cr forward and cr. strong to get used to timiings and inputs.

If you keep gettting super instead of ultra, your prob inputting a little too fast. Remember its a specific timing, you cant just mash it out like with a super.

Hm but what if you want to for example standing fierce into ultra?
one of ibuki’s chain combos will be s lp s mp s hp sjc ultra.
What if i can do it with 70% accuracy from :hp::qcb::qcb::ub: :3p:,is this a wrong command to learn it?
Aldo i have to agree that this methode for crouching seems alot harder :slight_smile: