Alright so I thought I’d help out the people running Viper/Ammy (cold star) with these combos. They’re just my day one combos that I’ve been using but I haven’t seen anyone do them yet, and I feel that they’re the best combination of damage/reliability/ease of use and are the least character specific. It’s a standard starter with different enders depending on the 3rd character in the team. I opted not to go with the 2 M thunder knuckles on the ground because they’re usually character specific and use the other assist, which can make it difficult when comboing off of a stray/EX seismo. Since these combos usually only add 30k - 40k on an already 700k pre-super combo, it’s not really worth it. Also in the starter you can add an air L BK after the S in the box loop and take out the 5B after the tri jump S to add more damage, but it doesn’t work on Sentinel and and a few others, and only adds about 15K more. The starter corner carries, but at max distance it doesn’t put Viper touching the corner/wall, but she’s just a little off. The enders that I’ve got all work even when Viper isn’t exactly in the corner, except for Vergil’s (it could probably be slightly changed to make it work).
Starter: Tri jump S, 5A, 5B, 5C xx 236B~S (on hit), 2B, 5C xx 623A IADF j.C, j.S, 5B, 5C + call Ammy xx 236B~S (on hit), 236C~S (on hit), IADDF j.S, 5B, 5C, S, super jump forward j.C, dj, j.B, j.C, S, land.
A few notes:
After the box loop, it’s ideal if the 5B hits near the lowest point of the character falling. It’s lenient, but it can mess up if the 5B connects when the character is too high.
Depending on how high the character is after the M thunder knuckle, the H thunder knuckle should be delayed if they’re too high (or else the character can fall out) or should be done right after to prevent the character from falling to the floor.
After this, if the character is midscreen the tri jump S should done immediately after the super jump, but if they’re in the corner the super jump should be a little higher before going down with the S to make sure that the character isn’t much higher than Viper.
I’ve tried these assists as enders and they all work well.
(jC = jump cancel, j.C = jumping C)
Trish (Low Voltage): Dash + call Trish, slight delay, 623A ~ jC 2147C, S xx 623A (xx Burst time). Does 690k before super.
Dante (Jam Session): Dash + call Dante, long delay, 623A, delay, jC 2147C, S xx 623A (xx Burst time). Does 694k before super.
Vergil (Rapid Slash): Dash + call Vergil, long delay, 623A, IADF j.B xx 214C, S xx 623A (xx Burst time). Does 733k before super. (The instant airdash C xx 214C should be done really fast.)
Strider (Vajra): Dash + call Strider, 623A ~ jC 2369C, Dash, 623A (xx Burst time). Does 689K before super.
Firebrand (Demon missile charge): Dash + call Firebrand, long delay, 623A ~ jC 2369C~S (whiff), S, super jump up, j.C, dj, j.C, S, land, 623A (xx Burst time). Does about 711K before super, but the 5B after the tri jump S in the starter needs to be taken out.
Doom (Plasma Beam): Dash + call Doom, long delay, 623A ~ jC 2147C, S xx 623A (xx Burst time). Does about 705K before super.
All of these combos build more or less 1 bar and 3/4, and Burst time adds about 186K to each.
Air throw combo with Ammy:
Dash, 623A, IADF j.C, j.S xx j214A, 5B, 5C + call Ammy xx 236B~S (on hit), 236C~S (on hit)…
Corner: …214C, 5C, S, super jump up, j.C, dj, j.B, j.C, S, land, 623A (xx Burst time). Does about 412K before super.
Midscreen: …IADDF j.S, 5C, S, super jump forward j.C, dj, j.B, j.C, S, land, 623A (xx Burst time). Does about 392K before super. (Depending on where you land you might have to do a M thunder knuckle to super on the floor instead of the L seismo to super)
Builds a bar and a little more, and with characters like Strider it can be extended even more. Again the air L BK is a little character specific but it helps get characters off of ground throws midscreen and it helps carry them further to the corner, but it can be taken out.
Hopefully this helps.
I’ve found out that with my new Firebrand combo (same starter but with an air L BK after the S in the box loop, 5B after the trijump S is taken out, and the ender is dash + call Firebrand, L seismo xx jC H BK, S xx L seismo xx Burst time) that you can get more bar and damage from the combo by launching instead of cancelling the launch into a seismo into Burst time in the ender, and immediately hitting the character back down with an S, dashing down-forward, and finishing off with Burst time like that. It’s also a lot easier and more consistent (especially with Firebrand). Also, using an L BK in the box loop isn’t as character specific as I thought, it only doesn’t work on Sentinel and it’s pretty unreliable on Dormammu, but it works on everyone else as far as I know. It’s a pretty good way to maximize the hitstun and damage before a lot of the enders that are unaffected by hitstun scaling, but I know it doesn’t work well with Trish. And I’ve got a combo with Amaterasu and Firebrand that does just under 1m (997k) while using one bar, but it’s corner only and not really that useful in a match. It’s:
2B, 2C xx 236B~S (on hit), 2C xx 236B~S (on hit), 2C + Call Ammy xx 236B~S (on hit), xx 236C~S (on hit), xx 236B~C (on hit), dash forward, 5C xx 623A IADF j.C, j.S, 5B, 5C, S, super jump up j.C, dj, j.B, j.C, S, land, dash + call Firebrand (Demon missle charge), 623A ~ jC 2147C, S, superjump up j.C, dj, j.C, S, land, 623A xx Burst time.
Edit 2:
Ender for Firebrand (Demon missile swoop - using the adjustments above with the air L BK added and the 5B taken out):
Dash + call Firebrand, 623A xx IADF, 214C, S, super jump up, j.S, ADDF, land, Burst time.