So… I couldn’t come up with a good way to break 1 million without burning way to much bar or getting really technical (I got 920, but it wasn’t as efficient as I would have liked). But I did some up with a flashy new combo for the IM team.
jC>5B>5C>L Seismo>(IAD)>jC>jS>-/>5B>5C>L Siesmo>Forward TK BK (NOT JCC BK)>-/>5B+Call Unibeam>5C>S(1hit)+Unibeam Hits>H TK Feint>H TK Feint>jC>jC>EX BK> -/ >S>jC>jC>jS>-/>Call JamSession>L Siesmo> Ender of choice
You can also to a unibeam relaunch version which saves you one bar of EX, but it is more difficult.
jC>5B>5C>L Seismo>(IAD)>jC>jS>-/>5B>5C>L SiesmoForward TK BK (NOT JCC BK)>-/>5B>5C>S>jC>jC>jS>Call Unibeam>L Seismo> FADC>5C>S>jC>jC>jS>Call Jam Session>L Seismo>Ender of Choice.
Note: you might be albe to stick an extra hit or two in the first air series, especially if you opt for ADDF jS>2B>5C>L Siesmo, instead of the box dash version, but I find the box dash more stable.
Note2: I came up with another Idea for breaking 1 million solo (without crazy stuff), but I’ll have to try it tomorrow.