You can kara UOHs?
runs to the lab
You can kara UOHs?
runs to the lab
kara uoh was in the first episode originally but i remove it; I’ll teach Kara cancelling in general first and then revisit UOH briefly after. I don’t want to teach how to kara when we’re speaking about just UOH’s
Awesome tutorial. It’s good to hear the player explaining in detail what it is going on in the vid instead of just notations or music.
Fantastic work on the video. Definitely looking forward to the next one.
PS: I submitted it to Eventhubs, hopefully it makes it.
You can kara anything bro. Remy is a great example of kara’ing just about anything and it being worth it in many cases. He needs to kara a lot of stuff to successfully combo. His kara uoh also looks ridiculous because of the ground he covers.
As far as video quality goes, it’d actually be pretty decent if you deinterlaced it.
Subscribed; I’m really interested in seeing where this goes.
Nice job man, cant wait to see more!
what …does…that…mean? oh hell i’ll just google
Episode 2 is up. I’m trying to do as much as I can because I’m going away for 3 weeks for work. I’m thinking about bringing the ps2 with me and my stick so I have somethign to do at the hotel…i dunno
Is the view count broken? It must be higher than 300 right?
it’s probably correct. You gotta remember this is a very niche target audience since the game is dead
I already tried that and I guess they just ignored it. It seems like the only 3s related stuff that gets put up there are TAS matches and vague Ono tweets
I knew about kara throws, kara command grabs, kara special moves and all that, I guess I just never thought of karaing UOHs.
You might want to cover how meaties can interrupt wakeup attacks and that whole mind game. I’ve played a lot of shoto players on GGPO who mash SRK on wakeup and can never understand that a well-timed meatie interrupts that.
Awesome! Can’t wait to see more. Thanks for making these.
Well, in case you didn’t, it basically means fixing the lines that you see in your videos whenever something moves. Whatever video program you use should have some option for that.
theres no point trying to stuff a shoryu. if you think the other persons gonna shoryu, just block lol
Why not stuff a shoryu? It’s a free combo and leads to mixup options.
Well if you block a shoryu it’s a free combo, too.