I have this friend. He plays 99% of the time, C Ken, Akuma and Ryu.
The thing is, I feel he’s hella good. Perfect execution of damaging combos, dash in C.MK into Shinkuu HDK at the right time. Teleport into Corner SGS and other tricky stuff, and he RCs with impunity. his cross ups are almost always the indistinguishable kind (Where I have to JD Back, THEN forward as he lands.)
Most of the time, people line up to play against him, but not to practice, they want to beat him, because they want to make him lose. This is why…
He gives a lot of players a very hard time unless they’re using the top tier teams. Like we all know, RC isn’t everything (Well, not for these three characters anyway). His main weaknesses on his off days will be the Top tiers. On his ok days he’ll play very carefully and he’ll give them a run for their money. But still, use a Full High Tier Team, K-Are, C-Geese Rolento Sagat etcetc and he’ll have a difficult time against them. Just use RC blanka on him and he’s almost a goner. but you have to be a REALLY good RC Blanka.
Thing is, I actually hear people complaining about him, saying that He RCs too much, that they can’t handle his RC, they feel that he’s turtling (He’s not, from what I see, he’s Zoning). ACtually it’s the other guys who are turtling, as in, runaway a LOT.
Of course, he is somewhat a trash talker, like some of us are, but not in an offensive way really, he’ll just keep saying, “I’m the Best! Muaahaha” when he wins. Or he’ll stand and thumbs down whoever is on the other side (We have three Dual side Cabinets for CVS2 at the Arcade where I go). ANyway, because he does that, people naturally wanna put him down.
This is the thing. I’ve seen people use K-CBS against him, lose, and say that the way he’s playing is too unfair etc etc. They’ll tell him that without RC he’s nothing. (From what I see, that’s kinda true, he will have LOTS more bad matchups than he will have now). Then again, it just goes to show that he’s l33t innit? In my eyes he is of course, thats why I ALWAYS wanna play against him. He’s the ONLY other guy who can consistently 50/50 with me without using Top Tiers.
Since I’m one of the few people around here who will give him kudos, I’m hoping that some of you, after reading this will just, erm, think he’s a skilled player too.
End Rant.