C-Groove Thread

Yeah, you already know everything about it… But lets talk about it EVEN MORE about the (IMHO) most fun groove in the game.

Characters, strats, matchups, mechanics, etc… are all welcomed here,

now, im really sleepy, but tomorrow im gonna do a REALLY extensive list of C-groove awesomeness, characters and WHY YOU SHOULD BE PLAYING THE HELL OUTTA IT…

Infinite level 2 at your disposal!

I’d like to know a bit more about what I think is called “chicken blocking”? I’ve seen choi and dan and those guys do it a ton. Say someone jumps in on you and you jump back block and time it so you land before them or about the same time and don’t have any block stun.

Something like that.

i dont know how useful it is except for c-ryu can chicken block a blanka ball and rh hurrcane to punish even then i usually opt for super if i have the meter, plus its hard to react. iuno, def a question for buk because he knows everything about this game.

The use for CHICKEN GUARD is to block a jumping attack, very low to the ground, making your character land and recover FASTER than normally blocking the attack.

For example, Sagat vs Blanka:

Blanka Jumps and does an early attack (due to sagat tallness, he will do this a lot), so you airblock LOW to the ground (chicken guard), and you recover FASTER so, you can punish blanka with standing jab.

The drawback? Air blocking does 50% more guard damage from EVERY ATTACK. So use it when you really need it.

Ok, part 1: Systems

Yeah, everyone knows how C groove works by now, he fastest building meter, a lot of AC due to this, 101,103 and 105 % more attack damage per lvl, lvl2 cancel only if super connects, etc. So, lets see thing more closely…
What does C-Groove REALLY HAS?**


*-FAST, building meter. *

Yeah, everyone knows this, but to be ABLE to know, when, and how to use your meter, makes you and c groove unstoppable machines of destructions. Lots of whiffing, block strings, specials, etc makes you fill that bar FAST, what takes us to:

-Unique, lvl2 cancels

C Being the only bar with lvl 2, gives it a super that, has invencibility to Blow normals, and when canceled, do lvl3 alike (a bit less or more, depending on your character) damage. Combined with the fast bar, characters like Rugal, Sagat and Chunli, can wipe out a character in a matter of seconds.

-Roll AND Roll Cancel

Yup, you have access to the most broken shit of the game (doesnt this makes you happy xD?)
Also, RCing your specials makes you not only defend / attack, but makes you gain TONS OF METER in the procces, thus gaining lvl2s, thus gaining ability to kill.

Some may say that Run is better, but ionno… it really depends on the character. Take Blanka and Ken, for ex. Dash makes them have really GOOD 50/ 50 options (Dash – RC elec/Funky, cr shorts to death, Throw to more cheapness, etc), that combined with RC, and lvl2, is gonna make a hell of your opponent life bar.

Air Block AND Chicken Guard

I dont really thing that air guard is that great in this game. Other bars can JD/Parry/Activate in the air, so… But chicken guard, well used is a REALLY DANGEROUS TOOL. Take that annoying Bison, early jumping to your Rugal… You chicken guard his damm kick, cr.lk x2 to death… Yeah baby…

Defensive Wise

-Alpha Counters

Yeap, youregonna get a lot of thems. Also, youre not gonna die blocking to those cheap ass motherfuckers A groove Charactes, neither chipped to death…

Airblock, RC, chicken guard: See above.

So, whats bad? Well, not a bad thing, but your cant low jump, and you dont run, but obviously youre here to play good ole SF, not MvC2, ya know?

Seriously, lacking more subsystems, is a really good thing in the long run. YOURE GONNA LEARN how to POKE, PUNISH, HAVE A STRONG AA and GROUND GAME, and to NEVER, EVER miss a Combo. Seriously, A and K groove spoil ppl, so when you finish playing CvS2, with Cgroove youre ready to play every damm fighting game that involves footsies.

Im sleepy again (damm job), so tomorrow ill continue. Excuse my grammar, obviulsy english is not my first language, but im sure every thing said here is understandable, so dont be a nazi grammar.

Also, post strats, questions, etc. About everything C groove related. Tomorrow im gonna talk about Team Dynamics (Battery/User/Anchor) and the best part of C-Groove: Cheap, fun, and underrated characters. Have fun boys…

You forgot one, no tech roll, which makes C-groove inferior to A/K/N after being knocked down imo.

As for advantages of C, I think you should include stored lvl 2/3 on the list, being patient and playing safe is really important in CvS2, having stored lvl 2/3 supers helps with that.

Best C-groove team: C-Guile, Chun, Sagat

Also delayed getup. It’s useful in some situations. (against chars with annoying crossups).

Good shit, Geadom.

I remember an old Maj video of Guile displaying chicken blocking with him and then doing level 2 kick punch kick thingy into flash kick. There’s tons of chicken block tricks you can do really.

Im so fucking sleepy rite now, but imma gonna write something more:

Team Dynamics:

What the heck is this you ask? This is the WAY to make yourself more able to win, to put your characters in the positions were they are more useful, thus more cheap, thus more effective.


The main reason why CvS2 is played in two R1 and 1 R2 at the end is simple: Youre picking the MOST AVAILABLE QUANTITY of characters, thus, more LIFE, thus less chance to be COUNTERED by some character or 2. Thank god, i FIRMLY believe, that having a lvl2 always AVAILABE makes even the most HARD matchups a breeze if you just KNOW when and how…

So, lets take a look to those positions and how they work, key?


Or your opening character. Is always a character that can fight REALLY well without meter, and can build it fast as well. Also, if it is neccesary, can use it, AND,another plus, if it is a good character with few bad matchups or ways around them. Obviously, KEN, GUILE, IORI, HIBIKI, and the GOD OF ALL DAMM BATTERY character, HONDA, are good picks.

Dont worry if your character doesnt fall into all of those categories, just a good meter builder is more than OK in this position.


Ahh, the meat and bone of c-groove. SOOO, watcha gonna do with all that meter that (usually) your first character lets you? Of curse, KILL, KILL, and… KILL?. Chunners, Rugal, Eagle, Sagat sometimes, Ken… Are really good at taking that annoying life bar of your opponent. Just two things to watch for: 1-) Always SAVE SOME METER for this character… Usually, they are very ineffective to build meter by themselves (Geese, Rugal, Chun), and 2-) DONT MISS. hit practice mode once maybe 2 a week, and make sure those combos are perfect.


The all around guy that places last and R2. The most important things on this character are HOW GOOD YOU ARE WITH HIM, and HIS ABILITY TO COME BACK IF EVERYTHING GOES TO HELL. Sagat and Blanka are hands down the best R2 for C-Groove, but Rugal, Yamazaki, Chun sometimes, and some others (DAMM DID I MENTION IM SLEEPY NIGGAS?) can be used.

So, a normal match flow would be:
Battery** starts, whiffing a little, making some block strings, come good bnb, etc, gets lvl 2, if good hits the opponent, if LUCKY kills it without using, worst of case, leaves at least a lvl1 or smthing for USER if dies, etc.

Then, Battery continues/**User **appears, **Battery **heavily damages opponent user, by using lvl usually, if good and lucky gets to fight R2, User kills opponent first character w/out using meter, or using only one, if things get ugly uses lvl2 to kill him, so R2 can make a comeback (YAY FOR C-SAGAT!).

Last, if BATTERY if still alive, build meter, plays NINJA TURTLE STYLE to gain and MAYBE hit with it, User if still around kills everything that moves with lvl2 cancels, makes some seriuos damage to opponent R2, leaving a good advantage for your R2. If R2 is here, is time to kick ass, but playing really cautious.

Tomorrow more, kids…


my favorite of the capcom grooves

its all about that lv2 cancel

i cant beleive you didnt mention vegaclaw as a good anchor

thats cause claw is a good battery not anchor. claw as an anchor is not scary in Cgroove cause he has no beefy dmg to make you scared. he just annoys the shit out of you with pokes.

i like cgroove myself but i can’t find myself main a roll groove since fucking up a rc can cost you half your life at times. and i could never choose a set team in cgroove, WAYYY too many fun characters to choose from that still do crazy dmg.


what about cammy man? she has beastly c groove combos, a great ground game, i think like three anti airs, and she can hit confirm SO easily.

her roll sucks, and her dash isn’t the best, but i think she’s a great user of meter

Side note: King builds meter really fast, so if you want a funteam, she’s good battery.

^ def for advanced users though

king has nothing but hard fights

One of my favorite “user” characters is Rolento. S. jab, c. forward into trip wire is a hell of a good way to take advantage of meter left by the first character, and patriot circle combos build it right back up. Rolento is great in C.

what is rolento’s ranking in battery? cause watchin rolento in a “stored meter” groove is just retarded. i was watching a friend play c-rolento as battery, ran away for like 5 seconds and next thing i know i see him with a lv3 stocked already, like wtf.

isn’t s.jab x2, c.jab xx trip wire a better hitconfirm since you don’t have to only fish for a CH s.jab, c.forward xx trip wire?

Yeah, you have more opportunities to bail with two s. jabs and c. jab, though personally I’m more consistent with the latter. Must be the range on the c. forward, or the way I was raised or something.